I fight all my instincts to not struggle or lash out. I also fight a different set of instincts not to feel flushed or anything else.

“Stay close,” Chaz says against my ear, his breath warming my skin.

When I shudder against him, I feel him smile without seeing it. Damn it.

He releases me, and I walk in without turning around to see his expression. My night vision isn’t as good as Zee’s, since he’s moving too fast for me to keep up. I lose sight of him and Leah, and I stumble when the tunnel grows too dark for my lesser vision.

Chaz’s arms immediately come around my waist, grabbing me and hauling me against him again. My breath seizes in my lungs when soft lips graze my ear. His hands slide down my body, taking much too long to release me now that I’m steady.

His touch lingers over my lower abdomen, and his fingers tease the edges of my jeans.

After a long moment of me not moving at all, he lets his hands fall away and steps back. I ignore the fact that leaves me feeling disappointed. I also ignore the sensations that shoot through my body when he suddenly grabs my hand and threads our fingers together.

I want to ask him what the hell he’s doing, but can’t since we’re on silent mode right now.

But I figure it out without asking the question when he starts moving briskly, keeping me close. Apparently his night vision is in full swing.

Chapter 6


“How far from us are you?” Kimber asks as I cut the sharp curve without slowing down.

“An hour. Maybe two. I’ve been driving full speed.”

“Okay. We’ll wait for you.”

“No, go on. Chaz may need you. I can’t believe you let him and Zee go off alone.”

“Leah is with them. Tensions were high, Ella. They all needed to take a step back and calm down. But you’re right; we shouldn’t have let them go. We’re waiting for you.”

“Just you and Gage?”

“Yes. Thad and Roslyn are just behind you. Leah just messaged back. Apparently Kya is also with them.”

“With Thad and Roslyn?”

“No. With Chaz, Zee, and Leah.”

“Why the hell is she with them?”

Kya? Does that mean Slade is close by? I don’t like that I associate the two of them as a pair. I also don’t like the fact that I don’t like it. I haven’t decided if Slade is our enemy or friend. When he’s not trying to kill one of us, he’s saving our lives.

He’s past the point of being an enigma.

“I don’t know why she’s there. Just hurry up and catch up with us.”

“Fine. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

I hang up, and I push the gas even harder. My eyes stay trained on the backroad as I weave in and out of the winding streets. Just as I turn a sharp curve, a body steps into the middle of the lane, and I scream while slamming on my brakes.

My car skids and slides, barely stopping in front of an unmoving man who is carelessly waiting. But when the vehicle rocks to a stop, my panic turns to fury as a set of silver eyes meet mine through the glass.


His lips twitch, and I push open my door, ready to kill him for scaring the hell out of me when I’m already drowning in enough fear. My own eyes flash to silver in warning.

“Are you out of your fucking mind?” I snap, glaring at him.