This time, I transport right in front of her, and a dark, very fucking creepy smile tilts her abnormally bright red lips. She grabs me by the back of the neck and jerks me to her.

Her lips crush mine, and I hold her at the waist, transporting back out. Kya’s in control. Not Karma. It’s Kya doing all this right now. Not just the demons they’ve joined.

I can tell it by the way she kisses me, clinging to me like I’m her lifeline, as though I’m the only thin thread pulling her free from the darkness.

“You’re so fucking stupid,” Slade says as he pushes by me, sending a burst of power into the room that knocks half of the never ending hordes of soldiers on their asses.

“And she was flaying them with barely any effort,” I point out when the soldiers simply stand back up.

He glares at me, and Kya staggers in my arms—while still inside Karma’s body. My attention goes to her as I lean her against the wall.

“Time to get back in your body, baby. You saved her. Karma is safe.”

She grins. “She couldn’t stomach all the blood.”

The voice is still echoed, as though they’re both speaking at once.

“You liked it too much,” she says, only this time Karma’s voice is the dominant one.

“I did,” Kya agrees, taking the floor once more.

“Get in your motherfucking body!” Slade snaps.

The black eyes fade as Karma smiles, and then suddenly normal eyes are peering at me. Karma collapses into my arms, and I toss her over my shoulder as Kya sucks in a breath, coughing as she turns over.

Her arms are shaking and weak, and I transport out, dropping Karma into the arms of a stunned Thad as soon as I land inside the cabin.


I don’t hear the rest of what he says because I’m reappearing right in front of Kya, scooping her into my arms and cradling her against me. I kiss her head, and she wraps her arms around me.

“Get her out of here. I’ll be right behind you.”

“Prison. Take me to prison,” Kya groans.

I pop back out, and this time when I land, I’m inside a loud, riotous lunch room. The illusion shrouding us cloaks us from sight, and no one notices us.

“Death row,” she whispers. “No, wait. Him. I want him. He’s full of darkness.”

She points to a guy, and I take her to him. He drops to the floor, and something red moves from his eyes to Kya’s mouth, nose, and eyes. She exhales gratefully.

We don’t stop until she’s had enough to share with Karma, and no one has a clue why bodies just keep dropping.

It’ll be hell to try and let her out of my sight after this. In fact, she’ll be lucky if she can even take a shower without me hovering over her. I may even watch her piss.

Apparently I do know how to feel something after all, and it’s all wrapped around one half demon.

Chapter 25


Chaz keeps holding me even as we land inside the cabin. All eyes swing to us, and I struggle to get down. Karma looks weak next to Dice as she holds his hand. Their dark angel, Dray, is working tirelessly to heal the multiple wounds on the incubus’s body.

But he was dead. Karma and I raised him from the dead. And I have no idea how we did it.

Her eyes hold mine, though I see how pale and weak she is. She took the brunt of that energy loss.

Chaz refuses to let me down, but he takes me closer. I grab the back of her head, and the energy from the dark souls passes from me to her. I keep giving until I almost have nothing left of my own.