His jaw tenses. Slade always look twice as menacing when he’s ready for a fight—which he definitely is. Not that I expected less. It’s become glaringly obvious he feels something for Ella. Though I have no idea exactly what it is—love, hate, fury, protective, rage, lust? There’s no telling.

“What makes you assume it’s the princess? I doubt the books called her out by name. And what book said this?”

He knows I can’t read, so he’s expect

ing me to tell him what person told me this.

“I’m not sure what she read it from, but the one we’ve been wary of—Sadie—stated it was the strongest current being that was used as a stabilization unit.”

He slams a fist against the table that snaps and collapses against the impact. I’m not even startled by it. Books, charts, and other papers all fall to the floor, no longer supported by the crushed pieces of wood.

“That could be me. Or him. Not just Ella. We’re equal in strength until she embraces both sides and stops lingering in the darkness.”

I swallow against the knot in my throat. He can’t even say Alton’s name. Just like he won’t say Ella’s. He usually won’t even mention Alton. He’s something Slade plans to deal with on his own time after he saves the world from whatever impending evil rests around the corner.

“Obviously it won’t be you they grab,” I retort dryly.

“Obviously,” he echoes, his lips twitching. “Though I do wish they’d fucking try.”

“Alton is just as strong?”

He nods. “But his mind is too weak. He won’t fight them. He’ll cower. Just like your sister, he’s not strong enough to withstand them.”

I bristle. Karma is stronger than I accredited her for being. I’ve seen her determined eyes and harsh aggression when she actually trains. Though it’s been a mere few glimpses. I’ve mostly only watched Chaz, because I was a foolish girl caught up in the notion this was a romance and not just an erotic release.

“Get it off your chest, Kya. I can tell your head isn’t here right now, and I need you in this game.”

I nod, steeling my resolution. This is my place. This is my war.

Chaz made it clear what stand he was taking. He wouldn’t tell me whatever secret they were hiding.

He chose his side.

Now it’s my turn to choose as well.

Chapter 22


(Yes, you read that right. No, it’s not a #typo.)

“We should put those on,” I tell Dice, pointing to the necklaces Slade gave us that no one has touched. The spell also never came back as Slade said it would. Two days we’ve been waiting for something to happen or break or explode... Nothing has.

“No way! My baby might be hurt by that fuck-nugget’s jewelry. Who knows what it actually does.”

Ella has been taken underground with Alyssa until the time has come and gone for the portal to be opened. If they can’t find her, they can’t use her.

Everyone has relaxed... Except for one person.

Chaz is furious as he paces the room, running a hand through his hair. He’s been like a caged animal since Kya disappeared. She knows about Alyssa’s pregnancy. I know she overheard it when she came to save my life that day—the day I found out I had to rip out horrible souls and devour them.

What she doesn’t know, is that Alyssa’s baby has left her completely defenseless. And Chaz couldn’t tell her that. Wouldn’t tell her where Alyssa is or why she’s in hiding.

My hands slide over my own flat stomach, wondering how strong my demon succubus or incubus will be. I already feel a little more tired than usual, but not drained like Alyssa felt by this point.

“She fucking chose him!” Chaz barks, furious.

He’s said the same thing numerous times for the past two days now. It’s driving us all insane.