“What are those for?” Chaz asks, continuing to keep me behind him, barely allowing me to see.

I’m trying to move, but the bastard is too strong, easily holding me in place. Slade isn’t going to hurt me.

“While you were busy doing... whatever nonsense it is you do in a time of crisis, I was actually doing something productive,” Slade tells them, his voice oozing condescension. “It’s to ward against the spell that turned us human. They won’t expect it, and we might just get the upper hand.”

“We?” Ella asks, her own voice layered with disdain now. “You gonna generously allow us to be a part of this war after you made it clear you were done with us pathetic wastes?”

My lips twitch as I watch Slade’s jaw tic. He still won’t look at her. I’ll be damned.

“Watch yourself, Princess,” he says with a dark edge, his eyes trained on the talismans as he lifts one up.

“Don’t threaten her,” Chaz warns, a deadly calm to his tone.

Too many egos in one place at one time. It’s giving me a headache.

Slade merely smirks. “Want to test yourself against me, mutt?”

A growl rumbles from Chaz’s chest, and I start to get worried. Slade doesn’t understand that provoking him is stupid right now. He taunts and goads for fun. Usually no one is stupid enough to lash out.

I put a hand on Chaz’s arm, feeling the rage coursing through him as though it’s tangible.

“Slade, don’t,” I caution, but realize how pointless that is to even request.

Slade’s dark smirk emerges as his eyes light up silver.

“Chaz, please don’t,” I tell him as he gets that same smirk, challenging Slade without any words.

“I think your little beast is off his leash, Kya. If he wants to play, let him.”

Chaz’s hands light up with fire, but before he can do anything, a streak of energy bolts through the room, crashing into Slade’s chest. The impact throws him, and he crashes through the walls of the house. I watch in amazement as he lands outside, slow to get up.

He glares over at his attacker as he finally climbs to his feet and wipes blood away from his mouth.

Ella lowers her hand as her silver eyes narrow. “I can take care of myself just fine,” she says ominously as she walks through the wreckage of the house, stepping outside to where Slade is.

“I came to save your life, and this is how I’m repaid?” he muses, trying to sound as though he’s not pissed. I can tell he’s pissed. Very pissed.

Slade is the most dangerous when you think he’s calm.

“You’re the one provoking us. And don’t act like I should know my place, telling me to ‘watch’ myself. I’ll say whatever I want.”

A ghost of a smile teases his lips, and I half wonder if maybe he really isn’t pissed. If anyone else had just knocked him through a wall—if that’s even possible—he would have already put them on the ground and had them begging for their lives.

“We could go a few rounds, Princess. But I think we both know what would happen. What is it that you do every time the darkness finally wins and you become lost to its power?”

Ella glares at him, and everyone exchanges curious glances.

“Have you told them why I have to knock you out?”

She says nothing as her eyes burn brighter and her hands ball to fists.

“Oh... Keeping secrets, then?” Slade goads, smirking at her, winning without taking a physical shot.

“What’s he talking about, Ella?” Kimber asks as she steps out from behind Gage’s iron grip that has loosened, as he’s distracted.

“Nothing,” Ella says bitterly. “Absolutely nothing.”

“Only because I ensure that,” Slade says, taunting her as he winks.