“Panicking or celebrating over walking in on my mother having a threesome with Sadie and Reese last night and accidentally feeding off that energy before I knew what it was? No. More like scarred for fucking life.” The incubus shudders dramatically.

What is he talking about? Apparently Chaz is confused too, so I don’t feel so left out of the loop.

“I was talking about the... Oh shit,” Chaz says, his eyes widening.

His brow furrows, and Karma glares at Chaz. Ah shit. Dice doesn’t know.

There’s a warm feeling in my chest. My twin is pregnant... I’m going to be an aunt. If she ever lets me close enough after the distance I’ve shoved between us. I believed Slade when he said emotional attachments make you too weak to focus.

Now I wonder...

“Why?” Dice asks, looking between Karma and Chaz as Chaz grimaces and Karma continues to slice him to pieces with just one furious glower.

Karma grips her head. “I’m pregnant.”

At first, Dice says nothing. In fact, he laughs. But then all the color drains from his face. “You’re pregnant?!” he shrieks, my eardrums stinging from the sound.

He leaps up and runs... right into a wall. The wall cracks, and Dice trips, falling to the floor on his ass. It takes him a second to leap back up to his feet. It’s like a bad comedy act I used to have to watch in the rings when people got bored and tried to pass the time by putting on a show.

“I’m going to be a father?”

Karma smiles ruefully. “Hopefully.”

“I’m going to be a fucking father!” Dice whoops, fist-pumping the air. “We’ll name him Kal-El and buy him a cape!”

What does that even mean?

“And if it’s a girl?” Karma asks, her eyes watering as a smile spreads over her lips.

My chest aches for reasons unbeknownst to me.

“We’ll call her Kal-El and buy her a cape!” Dice announces, still dancing around the room. “My kid will be a superhero!”

“They won’t be able to fly,” Ella tells him, amused.

Dice doesn’t seem perturbed from his celebration as he kisses Karma hard. Then draws back. “But how?”

She shrugs. “I don’t know. Somehow the spell failed.”

“Because my semen is fucking epic, that’s why!”

Totally could have done without that. Judging by all the groans in the room, so could everyone else.

“Anyone else worried about him reproducing?” Drackus grumbles.

“Hashtag—strong motherfucking swimmers. Hashtag—spell breaking love juice. Hashtag—my semen is better than your semen. Hashtag—”

“So this is what everyone here is doing while the fate of the world hangs in the balance. Nice.” Slade’s voice seems to chill the air in the room as he suddenly appears.

Everyone goes tense, including me.

Slade is casually propped up on a far wall in the back of the room, looking on with unmasked disdain in his eyes. Ella is stiff as a board, but he doesn’t even glance her way.

“What do you want?” Chaz asks, stepping in front of me like Slade is going to whisk me away.

Slade’s lips twitch. “I’ve come bearing gifts, so don’t go blasting me with anything when I pull them out. I’d hate to have to kill someone today.”

They all narrow their eyes, and I bite my tongue as he pulls out several talismans and tosses them onto a table.