Deciding not to waste my breath any longer, I disappear and reappear outside beside Zee’s car just as he tosses Leah’s bag in the back.

After tossing mine in with it, I drop to the backseat while taking out my phone. I pull up the info on this kid, seeing what facts have been made public so far.

“Anyone you know that could figure this out and come after you?” I ask as Zee sits down.

“No one knew. Only Leah. And obviously she had nothing to do with it,” Zee says quietly. “Thank you for coming to help me.”

“No worries,” I tell him grimly, no longer feeling as though I’ll ever be accepted.

Zee lied about the person he was before he became a night stalker. They’re all hurt and pissed.

I can only imagine if they learn I’ve been lying about everything I am.

I’ll lose everyone.

Kya was terrified of me, so I know she’s probably already told Slade what I am by now. It’s just a matter of time, and the countdown has begun.

My phone chimes with a text as Zee drives us away from Pine Shore, and I look down to read it.

UNKNOWN: Until we’ve dealt with the Master... I’ll keep your secret. You made valid points that I can’t logically object to. We don’t need the distraction.

It’s like she knew I was on the verge of panicking.

Relief settles over me as I save her number to my phone. Just typing in her name for my contacts has my dick stirring in my pants.

Fucking wayward appendage. I was terrifying her and holding her down when arousal hit me like a menace with bad timing. I felt like an animal who couldn’t control my body.

Her damn cleavage was in full view, and her fear turned me on... It called to the sick side of me that craved that fear. It’s rare I see fear, since I’m projecting one of the least offensive beings there are. Dusters aren’t feared; they’re mocked.

It’s always been my own private joke. Until Kya...

Just thinking about how good she smelled as that sickly sweet scent of fear rolled off her has my cock turning to stone. Groaning, I text her back, hoping to put her out of my mind.

ME: Until then... Thanks.

She doesn’t message back, and I put my phone away, determined to lock her out of my thoughts. It’s been too long since I had someone under me like that. That’s all it was, surely.

I’m portraying a duster, so it’s not like women are clamoring for my attention. They prefer the stronger magical creatures over the weak little duster.

A dark smile curves my lips.

If they only knew.

Chapter 3


“Ah!” Simone shouts as I lay her out on her ass.

She hisses at me and leaps back to her feet, but I slam my knee into her torso, efficiently ending the fight when she collapses and heaves for air while crying out in pain.

“You’re fighting pissed,” Slade says as I walk away, angrily tearing the tape from my hands.

“I’m always pissed,” I point out, not daring to let him know that it’s not anger, but frustration I’m struggling with.

I have no idea why my head can’t get away from the fake duster, but he starred in my dreams last night. It wasn’t a nightmare either. I wish it had been a nightmare instead of what it was.

Instead, I woke up turned on and haunted by visions of him taking my body over and over and over... With no release on my side.