“I can’t. All I can do is dematerialize, and even that is wrong, because I keep getting stuck on other planes. Pixies are fucking vicious, by the way. I don’t want to go back there,” she’s telling Zee, who is covering his smile.

“You can,” he says, wiping away the mocking grin as he stands behind her, sliding his arms around her waist with a comfortable intimacy I envy.

They’re so close with no barriers between them. She’s so at ease with herself and him.

“I only did it that one time because I thought you were dead and I went loco. I don’t want to go loco again.”

“You won’t go loco. That was your emotions controlling the power,” I hear Zee promise. “You have to control it.”

I spot someone dancing off to the side, and that’s a dead giveaway. Stealthily, I make my way over to another tree that’s closer, peering around it as the incubus sings something about being horny and let’s do it, and there’s also something about a pony in there too.

His mask is black and red, and I assume the smiling face wearing a blue half mask in front of him is my sister, even though the hood blocks her hair.

The incubus thrusts his hips, still singing and dancing, and... Is he seriously stripping? “They call me Magic Dice,” he says, thrusting his hips again. “Hashtag—make it rain.”

He makes a sizzling sound with his mouth as he tweaks both his nipples with his fingertips. Ummm... I don’t even know what to think about that.

Karma laughs so freely, and my heart clenches as she watches him as though she’s truly in love and happy.

This is so different from our camp. People are fighting and training. Our live

s depend on being prepared. Yet here, they’re training and laughing, as though the world may not come to an end in less than a week.

For all they know, the world could end tomorrow. The day Slade gave them is incorrect.

Gage and Thad—at least I think it’s them—are going one-on-one, sparring physically only, and definitely holding back. Two girls are also sparring, but I’m not sure who they are.

Dice is now holding his shirt between his legs and doing some weird thing where he’s pulling it back and forth like... I’m not sure what to compare it to. It seems to only make Karma laugh harder.

My sister and I have very different senses of humor, apparently. I’m more likely to laugh at Simone’s face accidentally slamming into my fist than to laugh at... whatever it is that odd incubus is trying to achieve at the moment.

My gaze shifts again and settles on Chaz who is sparring with someone—I’m not sure who, but it’s a male. Each time the other man strikes, Chaz knocks him down to the ground. Each time Chaz lands a punch, the other man cries out in pain.

Chaz is barely using a fraction of his strength. I’ve seen him fight for real, and that was before he opened himself up fully.

“You’re really pissing me off,” the injured man grunts as he slowly gets up. Each time seems to be slower.

“You’re just getting old, Drackus,” Chaz tells the masked man who cracks his neck to the side.

Alyssa’s father is apparently the sparring partner.

A blast of black shoots free from the man’s hands, and Chaz disappears, only to reappear behind Drackus and kick him hard in the back. When Drackus flops down to the ground this time, he groans and curses at the same time.

“Cheaters never prosper,” Chaz taunts.

Just the sound of his deep timbre has me shuddering. I really need to get a handle on myself.

Forcing my eyes away, I study Leah again as the others all do their own thing. A small spark ignites at her fingertips, and she squeals in excitement. But immediately she pouts when the spark goes out.

Smiling, I watch as Zee kisses her, holding her to him like she’s precious and he can’t get enough. A sigh escapes me before I can stop it, and I internally slap myself for becoming a romantic.

When my eyes try to find Chaz again, I frown. He’s not with Drackus anymore. Now Drackus is fighting someone else.

My gaze darts from person to person, looking over each mask. Just as I decide to change positions to see more, a strong hand clamps over my mouth, and a body presses hard against mine from behind. Another arm snakes around my waist, holding me tightly to a familiar frame.

I don’t even bother fighting, because I know who has me. Shit.

“See anything you like?” he whispers against my ear.