Dice suddenly jerks a fire extinguisher up from the ground and aims it at me like he’s poised and ready. When I look at him like he’s crazy, Karma groans and rolls her eyes.

“I’ve already told you mortal things like that won’t work on immortals!” Karma snaps.

“We won’t know until we try, and Ella blessed it.”

Ella gives me an incredulous look to let me know she has no idea what Dice is talking about. At least she’s looking at me with something other than hurt or disdain in her eyes.

Dice narrows his eyes at me, holding the end of the extinguisher hose precariously close to my face. Deciding to ignore him instead of placating his lunacy, I face the woman I still don’t trust.

“How do you know about portals?” I ask her, suspicious.

“My mother was determined to cram as much old world knowledge into me as she possibly could. I also know a great deal about dragonites and Lokies if you need any information.”

My eyes widen on Roslyn, and she swallows while shaking her head rapidly. “Not me,” she says aloud.

“Liza told me,” Sadie admits, which has me snapping my glare toward Dice.

His eyes widen fearfully before a cloud of white, choking shit attacks me, and something wet slams into my face and body. I cough, then curse him, then start wiping my eyes free. That motherfucker just used the fire extinguisher.

“Hashtag—oops,” Dice says, amused. The dick.

“Why are you half naked?” Karma asks as I continue to wipe the chalky goop off me. Her tone thickens with accusation when she adds, “And where’s my sister?”

As I get the goop out of my eyes, I meet her gaze. The last thing I want to talk about right now is Kya.

I shouldn’t have just disappeared on her. Detached or not, I know she felt something. She didn’t just invite me into her body for the sake of calming me down.

“She’s safe, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“What’d you do to her?” she asks, getting a little angrier as red flashes in her eyes.

“From the looks of him, I’d say he left her fucked like an animal,” Dice drawls.

He jerks the fire extinguisher back up when I glare at him again, and he holds it at me like a weapon. Fucking incubus.

“They call me Mr. Frost,” he decides to add, only making him seem all the more ridiculous.

“Can someone clean this shit off me?” I ask, looking toward Kane, who fortunately obliges me. With one wave of his hand, the extinguisher goo is gone.

“And you just came back? You left her somewhere?

Is she—”

“She’s fine. She didn’t want to come back, since she got accused of being a part of this,” I say to interrupt Karma’s angry rant, and I cut my eyes toward Frankie.

He’s busy glaring at the back of Sadie’s head, so he doesn’t even notice me. No one wants Sadie here.

“Where’s my mother?” I ask, noticing she’s one face missing from this room.

“She’s reading that book Kya left for you,” Calypso tells me.

Running a hand over my hair, I shift my gaze to Alyssa as she walks out of the room. I decide to follow her, and she turns and meets me as I do.

“What’s wrong?”

“Something Dad said,” she answers quietly, her lips thinning into a tight line. Keeping her tone quiet enough for only me to hear, she continues. “He’s right, you know. Once upon a time the immortal world feared him. Now he seems to be of no consequence. The name Drackus doesn’t instill the same terror that it used to.”

“And that’s a bad thing?”