Zee’s fists are clenched at his sides, and his eyes are narrowed. There’s something on the news about a Clayton child who has been kidnapped, and I cock my head, wondering why Alyssa is pointing at the screen.

“You lied about your name. Hell, you said you had a fiancée when you were turned. You told us someone’s story, but it wasn’t yours. Why?”

What the actual fuck is going on?

“It was safer for my family if no one knew my true roots,” Zee defends, even though he looks regretful. “We all have our secrets, Alyssa.”

“Not from each other,” Kane growls. “You’re my brother. You’ve always been my brother since the day I found you and took you under my wing. Why lie to me?”

Zee looks down, his shoulders hunching.

“I didn’t trust you at first. Then I didn’t want to cause you to distrust me later on, so I went with the story. It was best for everyone. I had no idea it would ever become an issue. But I have to go after the child. I know a night stalker took her. You know it too. The blue eyes from the reports? Someone found out who I am, and they’re expecting me to come. It’s why they took her.”

“And she’s your niece?” Karma asks.

Zee nods. “I didn’t know of her existence until today. That’s the truth.”

“Who knows what’s truthful from you anymore?” Dice drawls, sounding bored, but even he looks hurt.

“What’s going on?” I ask, even though I have the gist of it.

Zee looks my way, and his lips tense. “I’m sure everyone will fill you in. I have to go save my niece.”

He starts to walk by me, and Leah follows him. I step in front of him before he can go, and I cast a glance at all the hurt expressions in the other room. I guess I’ll keep my fucking mouth shut after all.

“I’ll go with you. You need backup.”

When I face him again, his eyebrows are up in surprise. “You aren’t pissed?”

“I’m sure you kept your secrets for a reason. I’ll grab a bag.”

I don’t even know where we’re going, but it doesn’t matter. Zee and Leah walk outside, and I move into the room.

“You’re going to send him off on his own? Because you’re butt hurt over some secrets?” I ask them, pissed on his behalf.

Alyssa walks out as her tears start falling. I hope that’s just pregnancy hormones, since she doesn’t cry so easily. Kane is tense as he glares at me.

“You’re not as close to him as I am. I really thought we were brothers. Now I learn he never once trusted me. Yeah. It hurts. I’d go with him if I thought he was going to get himself killed. But he’s going after a lone night stalker. Between him and Leah, he can handle this on his own. Besides, this is the life he never wanted any of us to know about.”

After his bitter rant, Kane disappears, and Thad groans as he runs a hand through his hair.

“You really pissed at him?” I ask in disbelief.

Roslyn shakes her head. “I’m not. I barely know him.”

Thad rolls his eyes. “We don’t have room for lies about the past right now.”

“Says the guy who refuses to talk about his bloody past.”

Thad’s eyes narrow. “I have a really long past, and I don’t hide the fact it was messy and dark. I just don’t dole out details. It’s a lot different than lying outright. Secrets are not the same as lies.”

His words strike a nerve, and I vanish from the room, grab some things to throw in a bag, and vanish again. I’ve been living a lie since I was a child. But the lies were merely to mask the secrets.

Gage and Kimber look torn, Ella isn’t here, Deke and Sierra are obviously furious.

Amy won’t even look at me when I come back down, as though she’s pissed that I’m taking Zee’s side. Then again, she’s been pissed at me for a long time. Her night stalker lover just seems oblivious as to why anyone cares.

Karma walks away, following Dice as he storms off.