Slade gave me their location, surprisingly enough. He’s been working hard on finding the master and the location for the portal. We only have a few days before they launch their plan into action and open our world up to who knows what kind of monstrosities.

Apparently there are endless dimensions full of hostile, dangerous creatures. Everything Slade has found has only made us dread this all the more.

The journal left behind by a Lokie has assured us that we’re pretty well fucked if any of those worlds are released into ours. And we’re not entirely sure it isn’t the Lokies themselves that the master is summoning. Though there’s no logical reason why.

The master wants power. Having a Lokie filled world would strip all our power, because they’d be stronger. We’d become the pawns we once were.

So... then what? What are they summoning?

One step forward and five steps back seems to be our status quo at the moment. We don’t even know who is controlling the demon army who have possessed night stalkers, or how that many demons escaped to begin with.

As I head into the dark, wooded area, a shriek fills the air, and I race forward, my heart hammering as fear crawls up in my spine. They’ve been found. They’re in trouble. Run faster!

My feet skid to a halt though when I see Dice is on the ground, slowly lifting himself up as he shakes his head.

“Alright, fake glitter farter,” he says, standing up on wobbly legs as he turns to face... Chaz... “You’ve pushed me too far. What is your defect, you hashtag asshole?”

I remain in my place, hiding behind the tree and peering out, wondering what the hell is going on.

“Chaz!” Karma barks, running out onto the porch.

A dark, sinister grin is on Chaz’s face. The look of a dragonite starved of the sun’s affection. Did he not read that damn book?

He’s pale, just as the book warned about. The sun is his main source of energy now, because the dragonite has become the dominant power.

“You’re really freaking me out right now,” Dice tells him, taking a wary step back.

Chaz cocks his head to the side, regarding Dice as though he’s prey.

Oh no...

Karma appears in front of Dice just as fire explodes from Chaz’s hands. I don’t even think; I just react.

My body dematerializes and reappears in front of Karma and Dice seconds before the fire collides with my hand.

The fire splits against my hand, shooting away from me in a forked position, and Karma gasps as I hold my hand out, keeping the fire away from them. No pain. No heat.

I guess I really am fireproof.

The scent of ashes and something burning hits my nose, but I know Karma and Dice are fine because I can hear both of them breathing, and I can feel their fear.

The fire stops, and Chaz’s eyes widen as the sun slowly starts to bring him back. He looks down at his hands as horror washes over him, and I look up at several faces staring from the porch, all attention on me with wide gazes.

They have the windows boarded? No wonder he’s losing it.

My gaze turns back as the color slowly starts to come back to Chaz’s cheeks, and he breathes in and out really slowly, his eyes closing as he tries to get control. That’s also when I realize what the burning smell was—my clothes.

Well, that’s just great. The Scooby gang is getting an eyeful right now.

Awkwardly, I try to cover up, using my hair and hands like an idiot.

“So you’re not really identical,” Dice says from behind me.

“Really?” I hear Karma groan.

That question is accompanied by a slapping sound, but I don’t turn around to investigate.

“What?! You know I use inappropriate humor when I’m stressed! Fairy boy just shot fire at me, and I may or may not have tinkled a little. I’m definitely stressed.”