I’ve been trying to turn it off, but I can’t. Every day it’s getting harder to control, and I’ve been trapped in our new residence outside of Pine Shore since two days ago when we learned of Amy’s fate.

Sierra has been inconsolable. Ella is distant and crying. Alyssa and Kane have been moved to an underground bunker. Fortunately, no mention of the baby was ever made to the night stalker traitor. Alyssa hides what little bit she’s showing very easily. It seemed paranoid to safeguard that secret to that extent, but now I’m glad we were paranoid.

To keep myself from losing it, I snatch the red book I’ve been avoiding, desperate for a distraction. Kya showed up in a doll’s body that day, and I’m not too stupid to figure out why. She didn’t want to risk being in contact with me. I figure this book has something to do with that.

Flipping open the pages, I find the passage highlighted, and my stomach tilts.

The dragon calls for a mate, seeking and searching for that one soul to be tethered to. One life claims another, and the two become united as one.

The bite of passion is the consecration of mating. The mark will then form on the mate’s body, and when the mate reciprocates the bite, the other mate will receive a mark in turn.

Forever, from there, their lives will be tied together. Until death doth come.

Forever? As in, my dragon wants her for forever? And what mark?

I’m drawn to her, but I’m not sure about being forever tied. Obviously she sure as hell doesn’t want to risk that, since she showed up in doll form after I warned her my beast wanted her as bad as I do.

Fortunately, it looks like I have to bite her in order for anything like this to happen. I haven’t even felt an urge to bite her. Maybe that instinct doesn’t transfer to mix breeds.

The more I read, the safer I feel it is to risk this. I expected the opposite, given the bad luck we’ve had lately, which is why I’ve put off reading it for so long.

Knowing I don’t have to fight off what I feel for Kya is more liberating than anything. As long as I don’t bite her, we’re good.

Dice is outside when I push through the door, and he eyes me warily. “You’re not all choked up over the lycan like the others are. And you dated her.”

I dated her briefly, and never once felt a connection. It was more physical than anything. I’ve always felt distant from the others, with Ella being the one true exception. She’s always been like my own flesh and blood.

But everyone else—including Alyssa—has never been anyone I couldn’t live without. I blame the sick powers inside me—the cold, harsh, unfeeling magic that steals the warmth I should have.

I should feel more pain right now. I’ve known Amy for years. I’ve known her intimately, for fuck’s sake. Yet I’m not devastated or even mourning her loss like most of the others.

“Amy was always withdrawn and usually didn’t even bother to pretend to like me. I was a replacement, and she was there to take the edge off. I hate that she’s gone, and it does hurt. But more to the fact, I hate that one of ours was taken so easily right out from under us.”

It sounds like I’m trying to explain away the fact I’m a cold-hearted bastard.

He purses his lips. “But you’re about to go off on your own even knowing that. I can see it in your freaky gold eyes.”

“There’s something I need to do, and I sure as hell can’t be stuck in there anymore.”

I start to walk off, but he grabs me on the arm. A growl sneaks out before I can stop it, and my skin crawls with fury.

“Remove your hand, Dice,” I warn, trying not to lose my temper. Two days of being stuck inside has left me feeling confined and overly aggressive. The last thing I want to do is hurt the incubus.

He trembles a little.

“We’re supposed to stay here,” he says, swallowing as he grips me tighter. “So no. I’m not letting you leave.”

My worst fears come true when something inside me snaps, and a blackness covers my eyes as I lose all control of the beast.

Chapter 16


It’s stupid to go to him in person right now, but I can’t help it

. I’m worried about him and my sister. It’s the first time they’ve lost someone in their circle, and they could be weakened, hurting, and in need of... Hell. What am I doing? I know nothing about comforting people.

I’m not even sure if they would want or accept my awkward attempts at comfort. My humanity was stripped away when I was forced to become a survivor, only focusing on making it to the next day.