“They targeted Silan with a purpose. Somehow they linked him to Zee. But as for the others... It looked to me like they were creating new night stalkers just to build their own army. A night stalker’s body with a demon inside of it is far stronger than the typicals you’ve probably dealt with.”

“I don’t deal with demons, present company excluded. Drackus—”

“I’m a demon hybrid. Not a demon.”

Ignoring the interruption, I continue. “Drackus has one demon he keeps on a leash. Maybe he can help with the explanation of how so many are free.”

It’s hard to focus on the conversation at hand, and the words she’s saying are getting distant, distorted, and harder to concentrate on.

“Chaz? Do you think that’s a good idea?” she asks, her words slicing through the thickly muddled thoughts.

Is what a good idea?

“I don’t know,” I tell her, evading a direct answer and telling her my head is fuzzy right now.

Something isn’t right with me.

“Obviously they had other powers than just night stalker powers, but how? Immortals don’t become demons. They get lost in the spirit realms when they die. Only humans become true demons,” she’s saying, and I grunt out an agreement or acknowledgment or something.

“But they used spells and cast barriers. How?” she drones on, then starts trying to fill in the blanks herself when I don’t respond.

Her words become lost on me completely. My skin is almost crawling. I don’t know if I need to fight or fuck. Staring at Kya’s ass as she hikes through the woods isn’t helping the latter urge.

Even shirtless, I feel like I’m burning up. Immortals don’t get hot or cold. So why the hell am I on fire?

I actually look down the length of my body to make sure I haven’t accidentally set myself on fire

Kya doesn’t turn around or notice that I’m struggling. I catch a glimpse of her soft, full lips still moving, but the drumming inside me is too loud to hear anything else.

We’ve been walking through the damn woods for hours. My cell has no signal. Neither of us have the magic to make it have signal either. I have no fucking clue where we are.

I can tell she’s weak and in need of feeding, but there aren’t exactly any tainted souls around here to steal, considering we’re in the middle of nowhere. For miles and miles, there’s been nothing but woods.

I’ve never used that much magic when transporting. I was furious, panicked, and half ready to explode when Kya demanded we go. I didn’t want to leave Ella, but the beast inside me couldn’t let anything happen to Kya. It recognized an urgency to take the girl I’ve barely met with me, and for some reason found it acceptable to leave behind the girl I’ve loved like a niece all these years.

The beast is ruling right now, even though the transporting power is Lokie instead of dragonite. The beast needs a motherfucking leash.

Logically, I knew Kya could dematerialize and save herself. I knew she was perfectly capable of survival all on her own. So why did I grab her and transport blindly? Because my instincts are more in control than I am.

I could transport now, but Kya genuinely doesn’t need to be traveling that way at the moment. Her body isn’t used to it, and I’m not sure how dangerous it is. It always leaves Mom exhausted after I take her too many places.

And I’m worried about getting lost without Kya if I try to go on my own and come back. I don’t trust myself or my powers at the moment.

Grumbling under my breath, I look around aimlessly. That burst of energy I used could have propelled us half way around the world for all I know. I’ve never used that much before, and I’ve always moved slow through the transports so as to keep track of where I am.

And Kya thinks I’m a motherfucking idiot for not knowing where we are. Though she’s not saying it aloud.

I am a motherfucking idiot.

She bends over in front of me, adjusting the leg of her jeans, and I bite back a growl as my eyes lock on her ass. As she straightens, I shake my head, inwardly cursing the one-track-minded animal within me.

Adjusting myself in my jeans, I force my eyes away, and I stop breathing through my nose. Her scent is killing me, and she’s definitely not aroused. She’s actually focused on what’s going on instead of getting mounted by an out-of-control abomination.

Groaning to myself, I pick up the speed, deciding to get upwind of her and out from behind the view of her ass. As I pass her, I take a wide berth, careful not to touch her.

“There has to be signal eventually,” Kya says from behind me, not noticing how tense I am as I hurriedly take the lead, using my night vision.

I wish I couldn’t hear her again. Even hearing her voice is like a shot straight to my cock.