It takes all my strength, but I crouch low and leap as hard as possible. My body slams into the side, and I turn, keeping the child protected as my foot catches a ledge enough for me to balance myself. Then I leap again, this time clearing the top and landing in a crouch on the other side.

As things explode behind me, I race away, but stumble to a halt when I see Ella suddenly here and getting out of her car. Kimber and Gage are right behind her.

Ella’s eyes are burning silver as orbs circle her hands. Her smile is darker than Slade’s as she makes her way toward the explosions inside.

Chaz is about to be exposed to everyone if I don’t stop them.

Ella... Ella might understand, but I don’t know about the rest.

“Help!” I shout to Kimber who quickly rushes over to me and grabs the unconscious girl from my arms.

“Get her out of here and keep her safe,” I tell her and Gage.

Another car skids to a halt, and I internally curse when I see Thad and Roslyn get out.

“Take them somewhere safe and wipe the kid’s memories,” Gage tells Roslyn, then looks to Thad. “Go with them. And call Drackus; tell him to meet you.”

Something loud explodes behind me, and I dart around just as Ella drops into the opening.

“Fuck that! They need our help!” Thad barks.

“I said get the kid the fuck out of here. They may come after her, and Kimber can’t protect her alone,” Gage barks.

“Fuck you,” Kimber grumbles.

“Sorry, baby, but it’s true. Go with them, please. Thad, get her the fuck out of here. Roslyn... Fix her head.”

“I’ll call Mom and figure out how to erase the memories without hurting her,” Roslyn says as I turn back around.

They turn to leave, but Thad looks reluctant to go. Thankfully, he concedes and rushes to the car, holding the door open for Kimber as she climbs in.

“You should go too,” I tell Gage, needing him away from Chaz.

I have no idea why I suddenly feel so protective of Chaz’s secret, but I really don’t want his friends to turn on him.

He ignores me and starts walking toward the fireworks show anyway.

“You can’t go in there!” I shout as Gage suddenly dematerializes.


I watch as he reappears halfway up the side of the rocks that now look like a volcano on the verge of eruption with all the smoke and sparks flying out of it.

I dematerialize and reach the edge just in time to see him drop into the madness and chaos below. Fire shoots past me, and I fall beside it, not feeling any heat touching my skin even though I should. It’s not human fire. It’s freaking dragonite fire that Chaz is hurling around down there.

I land in a hard crouch, and my head snaps up as Chaz throws a guy against the wall, slamming his fist through the guy’s chest. Blood sprays, and my eyes cut away when it gets too gory. I don’t mind gore, but when things start falling out... sheesh.

Gage seems unaffected by Chaz, which makes me wonder if he didn’t already know. I breathe out in relief, not realizing just how concerned I was until this moment.

Slade slices through the throngs of endless demons that are flowing through with night stalker blues hiding the red. It’s the perfect setup. Humans are too weak and don’t hide them as well as the immortals... They’ve created their own bitten army and are using them as hosts.

But how are so many in one place? And how do they have so many other powers? Demons can’t cast barrier spells.

Now’s not the time to analyze, Kya.

The power rushes from my fingertips, and I release it, knowing it comes at a cost. I’ll have to feed after using so much.

Chaz spins and grabs me at the waist before tossing me against a wall. I see it too late when a streak of red lights up the space I was just in.