“Zee, hit it as fucking hard as you can!” I yell, breaking Zee out of his trance.

He turns and slams his fist into the barrier. It cracks, but it doesn’t break. He hits it again. And again. And again. I keep draining it, and finally, he hits it so hard it shatters like glass around us.

“The cage is coated too!” I yell at him before he latches onto it.

Leah rushes over with a dagger and starts slashing at the lock over and over, expecting it to somehow magically open.

“It’s warded against us,” Zee snaps.

My eyes scan the lock, searching for any weakness, and I find one. It’s not warded against demons.


When my gaze jerks over to Silan, I see him drop as something shoots through the air again. The girl at his side shoots a streak of red energy across the room, but I release my own streak of... holy fucking fire.

Fire collides with red, and wide eyes meet mine as I stare at the night stalker girl. I never expected fire to come out of me, so I’m as surprised as she is.

Kya’s body comes to life with a harsh gasp.

“Demons!” she shouts. “Fucking demons are in them! It’s not Silan!”

When I jerk my gaze back to Silan, he’s up and his eyes are solid red.

“Guess the cat’s out of the bag,” he says with a wicked grin. That grin fades quickly. “Game over.”

He shoots red energy in time with the girl, but Kya slams her fist into the ground, releasing a wall of red that crashes into the bolts, ceasing their attack.

“Get the girl out!” Kya yells.

“You have to! It’s warded against us!” Leah yells back.

“Do I have to do every-fucking-thing?” Kya harps, struggling to keep the wall in place as the possessed duo push against it with all they have. “Feel free to help at any time!”

Zee and I launch into action, and his hands start to shake as a black and blue wall forms behind hers. I don’t know what he’s doing, but I do know he can’t do it long without losing his motherfucking mind.

With a hard push, I let go of the power I’ve been reining in and pray it doesn’t blow us all to hell.

Chapter 8


My stomach tilts as I flip backwards, landing far away from the hell the two powerhouses are unleashing. The fire flows into a seamless wall that collides and melds with the blue and black force field Zee is barely keeping in place.

Red eyes widen in disbelief and the first flicker of fear becomes evident as the two body snatchers struggle to try and break through.

This was definitely a trap, and I sense more power coming, meaning they have reinforcements on the way and we’re running low on time.

With one hard yank, I break the lock on the cage that isn’t warded against me, and I crawl on hands and knees into the small cage toward the child. I sniff the air, searching for any trace of blood. She’s been drunk from recently, and that has me cringing.

Her eyes dart to mine, widen in panic, and she closes them again. It gives me just enough time to truly see her.

Fortunately, all I see is a child and not a night stalker. She hasn’t been turned.

Unfortunately, I apparently can’t see possessions, since I didn’t know Silan was just a host until I was inside him. I also can’t risk someone else being inside the child, so I do the unthinkable that has my stomach churning.

With a shaky breath, I release myself, dropp

ing out of my own body and flowing quickly into the child’s. The second I’m inside, nausea hits me. Fear. So much fear.