A car sounds in the distance, and taillights appear out of nowhere before the car Slade’s in disappears from sight. He’s just going to drive around the desert until he finds her? And how the hell does he track her phone with magic? Gage showed me, but I can’t do it that damn well.

Looks like I unwittingly added another set of hands to the mission.

They’re all going to kill me.

Chapter 7


My vision picks up glimmers of magic infused in the cave walls that prove this isn’t a natural cave. Someone made this.

I try to think of that and only that, not the girl who is driving me insane.

Kya is pressed against my side, and I work damn hard to focus on the task at hand instead of how each movement has me fighting primal, base instincts. Turning on this power was a bad idea.

Lokies were actually not very sexual. They were more interested in magic than sex.

Red jinn have a sexual appetite, but it is easily controlled.

Unleash a fucking beast inside you, and you feel like an animal with no real reasoning. Kya is a terrible distraction. I wish she wasn’t here.

My mind is in a haze of confusion, struggling to stay on point. Her scent is driving me insane.

“Did you just growl?” I hear her ask in a whisper, her words so quiet I almost miss it.

I probably did growl, but I don’t answer.

She leaves the question hanging, not pressing for answers since we’re supposed to be silent right now. She tries to push away from me, but my grip tightens on her, pulling her even closer. I’m afraid of what might happen if she tries to deny me that right now, because I’m not acting right.

Her ass brushes against the front of my pants, and everything on me turns to stone as I move stiffly behind her. My grip tightens even more, and her breathing grows shaky as she comes to a stop in front of me.

Without thinking, my hands roam down the front of her shirt, sliding around to her middle. She shudders against me as my hands travel lower, my fingers teasing the top of her jeans again.

Her breaths grow heavier, and I dip my head, inhaling her scent that is unlike any other. It’s spice, fruit, and wicked all in one. A small growl escapes me, and she shudders again.

Voices coming from under us fortunately seems to help snap me out of my current frame of mind. And I push away from her, fighting to restrain all the pointless damn instincts that are demanding I do something stupid.

Fucking Kya against the wall of a cave while we’re supposed to be concentrating on saving an innocent child’s life... That constitutes as something stupid.

Kya’s eyes flick to mine over her shoulder as she steps farther away, and she darts her gaze to the cave floor as we listen.

The words are too muffled to hear, so we move silently, following it as it grows louder. Zee appears suddenly right beside me with Leah’s hand in his. The four of us exchange looks, even though Kya is probably struggling to see.

Zee nods to me, I nod to him, and my arms drag Kya close as I transport, bypassing the faux dematerialization I usually do. We land first, and a gasp sounds from Kya, as my eyes take in the wide, brightly lit cavern we’ve just landed in.

It’s hard to dematerialize underground. It’s also risky to dematerialize somewhere when you can’t see where you’re going—such as underground. So Zee is taking longer. I should have helped him.


I release Kya as my eyes settle on the little girl who is locked in a small cage. She’s huddled in the cage with her knees drawn to her chest as she sobs, hiding her face as she trembles.

My eyes dart around, looking for who might have been talking, but I see no one and hear nothing.

Zee appears a split second later, and he darts across the room before I can stop him.

My eyes see the barrier, but his don’t. He crashes into the invisible force and slams back with a hard grunt as he thuds against the floor and groans.

“It’s protected by magic?” he asks in disbelief, looking around.