“You don’t get to do that,” I tell him again, the words nothing more than a broken whisper. “Not unless you take me with you.”

His lips brush across mine, sliding over to my cheek as his touch turns reverent.

“You’re right,” he says, his eyes opening to mine. “It won’t happen again.”

“Where you go, I go,” I say, just to make sure we’re both on the same page.

“Always,” he promises, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips.

That damn smile makes me want to hit him again.

“I guess that means you do love me,” he says, his grin spreading.

My stomach tightens just as it did when he said those words earlier. Words shouldn’t harness the power to make me feel a thousand things at once. Empowered and helpless at the same time, I glare at him.

“I sort of hate you right now.” It’s just petty defiance at this point, but with the way his smile grows even more, I can tell he knows it.

He laughs, his nose brushing mine. “That’s one step over the line from love. I’ll take it.”

“You’re such an arrogant ass,” I murmur against his lips as I kiss him again. “But I’m pretty sure the madness going on inside me must be love.”

There’s nothing more perplexing in all the world than the emotions that continue to batter me every time I think of him, kiss him, or touch him. I’ve never been more worried about someone not returning.

“Don’t ever make us restrain her again,” Thad tells Chaz as he stands, keeping my legs strapped around his waist as he walks us toward the porch where Thad is nursing his bloody nose.

I grimace. I might have crossed a line with that one.

“You’re welcome, by the way. We didn’t tell your mother what you ran off to do when she showed up. So what happened?”

“Dice can fill you in on what happened. I’ll be back in a while,” Chaz says to him.

My legs tighten around his waist, anchoring myself to him as tightly as possible, as dread hits me. Chaz’s eyebrows go up as that smile curves his lips again.

“You’re coming with me,” he says, fusing his lips to mine in a kiss that returns me to my dumbest.

I cling to him, kissing his with just as much fervor as we land in his room. He drops me to the bed, and my head hits something. Chaz has gone still, his eyes wide and his mouth twisted in horror.

When I stick my hand behind me, I feel firm flesh...

I screech, darting off the bed as a woman squeals and a man curses.

“What the fucking hell?!” Chaz demands.

My eyes widen when I see what’s in front of me.

His mom is clutching a sheet to what I assume is her naked body, and Frankie is naked in front of us, his eyes wide as he looks over his shoulder.

Oh damn. It was his ass I just touched... Not cool.

“Chaz!” she gasps. “What are you doing in here?”

“This is the damn room I took. And you’re fucking someone in my bed?” he barks. Then I’m pretty sure he gags.

“I’m soooo sorry. I had no idea! Dice said the second room to the right was empty! He swore it wasn’t being used by anyone when I called yesterday to tell them I was coming.”

Chaz’s eyes narrow, and he disappears, leaving me behind to awkwardly back out of the room.

“Save me!” I hear Dice yelling as I turn and dart away the second I’m out of the room. “Hashtag—it was just a joke. Hashtag—Mommy needs some too. Hashtag—now you’re scarred like me.”