Chaz grabs me at the waist as soon as the last of my leather is pulled into place, and we’re suddenly downstairs as everyone gathers. It’s a very small gathering. Sierra and Deke haven’t returned. She’s been grieving the hardest over the loss of Amy.

I now understand that Alyssa doesn’t have the strength to carry the burden of possibly the most powerful child in the world and be present at these.

Zee, Leah, Thad, Roslyn, Dice, Chaz, myself, Gage, Kimber, and Ella are the only ones in the room.

“Where’s Karma?” I ask.

“With my mother,” Ella answers, offering me a gentle smile, as though she’s accepting me.

Chaz slides an arm around my waist, pulling me to him. Something zips between us like an electric charge, but neither of us acknowledge it.


r army is ready and waiting for the command,” Gage says, putting a pin on a map at the table. “Roslyn, Kimber, and Leah tracked Gavin to this place. He knows where the portal is going to be opened. Zee caught up and they watched it all day. Some of those armored beasts with no eyes showed up there a few hours ago. Gavin has been staying hidden within the shadows.”

I notice the way Dice tenses at the mention of the Harbingers of Death. He got a taste of what they’re capable of. I won’t be able to skin them alive without joining Karma, and we can’t do that. Hell, I don’t even know how we did that.

But she’s pregnant, and the risks are too grave of hurting the baby.

“They’re tough. They withstood the power Slade hit them with,” Chaz says, speaking of the eyeless monsters.

“That they are,” Slade says, appearing as though he knew this meeting was called.

His gaze meets mine.

“Don’t get any ideas. You’re not as strong on your own,” he adds.

“I’m aware,” I tell him.

“Your people ready?” Gage asks him. I wonder if he’s the one who called him.

“Yes.” He says it with a malicious smirk as his eyes flash silver.

This is what we’ve been waiting for. This is all we’ve trained for. It ends tonight.

“You’re sure this is going to happen tonight?” Thad asks, looking to Roslyn.

“There was no ground-shattering earthquake of warning this time, but Alyssa feels stronger and so does Karma. That means they’re human already—ironically enough. They’re the only ones not wearing these,” she answers, holding up the talisman Slade made for everyone.

I’m sure it’s a slip that Roslyn says that in front of Slade, given what Chaz told me about them not knowing he’s smart enough to have already figured it out.

“We duplicated the magic, and our army is wearing the same thing,” Gage tells Slade, who doesn’t seem to care.

He’s brooding, hating every second of this alliance, and staying far out of the circle to make a show of that fact. I still feel bad about not being at his side, but I can’t force myself to choose him over Chaz.

“Gavin shouldn’t have magic, right?” Ella asks.

“Gavin is probably aware of every move they’re going to make, so it’s likely he’s prepared and has his own way around the spell,” Slade says, pushing off from the wall, but not meeting anyone’s eyes. “The princess should sit this one out.”

Hesitation and animosity stifles the air around us, but Ella’s lips thin, and she finally cuts through the silence.

“If they’re planning on opening it tonight, they’ve obviously found a way to circumvent using me as their base.”

“So says you. It could all be a trap. They’ve set a few of those recently, and so far, everyone has run right into them.”

“You included,” Ella points out, a taunting smirk on her face.

His eyebrow arches, and he cocks his head. “Tell me, princess, what good will you do if you lose it and start hurting your own? I’ll have to abandon the fight to put you down until your head is right again. Do you think you’ll be helpful, or more of a hindrance?”