“What did the guy look like that did this?” the new blonde girl asks.

“We’ve already asked that, Ella. She—”

“No one asked me that,” I interrupt, looking at… What was his name? Gale? Gabe?

“I thought we did,” he says, frowning. “Okay, so did you get a look at him?”

“She’d be dead if she had,” Zee says dismissively.

“I saw him very clearly, but I don’t know him.” They all look at me like they’re waiting for me to have some huge revelation that could tell them who did it. “I’ll save the description for the cops.”

Zee rolls his eyes, and Dice groans. “Someone spell her. We need the info. No time for explanations.”

Spell me?

My throat bobs when I swallow the knot, and the G-name dude walks toward me like he’s about to do something.

“Okay!” I shout, leaning closer to Marilyn like I can somehow protect her. “Okay,” I say, a little quieter. Fuck the cops. I just want this to be over. “The guy was tall, decently tanned… Like all of you.” Curiously, they all have almost the exact same tan. Weird. “He wasn’t wearing anything remarkable, but he did have one easy-to-distinguish feature. There were a few scars on his face, and a couple of them were long.”

I swear the temperature in the room drops fifteen degrees, and all eyes widen on me like they’re waiting for me to tell them I’m joking or something. It only makes me a little more afraid.

“And he had silver eyes,” I go on, knowing how crazy that in itself sounds. “They actually glowed a little.”

Zee curses before slamming his fist through a wall—literally through it. Completely. Like it goes in and something crashes on the other side because he pokes a hole in it. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Chaz narrows his eyes on me, as though he’s suddenly suspicious for some reason. If magic is actually real, I wish I could zap us home and lock the doors. Our real home. Far away from this psychotic town.

“Why would Slade do this?” Kimber asks, as the other girl with blonde hair scrunches her brow in confusion.

“Because he wants the council looming over us, questioning Alyssa’s reign. He needs us distracted,” the G-name guy says. “Fuck.”

“How could he possibly know?” Ella asks in a rasp tone.

This is just confusing me. If Marilyn wasn’t so out of it, I would sneak us out of here. If I could carry her on my own—

“Better question,” Chaz says, still staring at me in a way that has my skin crawling. “Why would Slade let you live? There’s no way he didn’t realize he had an audience. His hearing is beyond anything we have, and his ability to sense another’s presence is uncanny.”

Slade? I assume that’s Scarface’s name.

“You’re asking me? I saw him disappear, and we followed the guy he was following because we’re stupid and curious. You’re welcome to fucking check us out, but you will let us go. Or Marilyn’s family will defi

nitely come looking for her if she doesn’t check—”

“They’re clean,” Dice says, confusing me as he steps toward Chaz. “I did a background on both of them when they were sniffing around Zee’s club.”

Chaz’s jaw ticks, and Zee narrows his eyes on me.

“Coincidental you sniff around my place, seduce me, then end up at a murder scene that looks bad on us. Don’t you think?” Zee asks. “And you don’t seem the least bit shaken.”

Shaken? I’m not shaken enough for him?

“Fuck you,” I snap, trying to stand, but finding my legs uncooperative. I’m fucking shaking all over. I think I’m plenty fucking shaken.

And fuck is my new favorite word at the moment. I only say it when I’m really fucking shaken.

“Asshole,” I mumble, still struggling to stand.

“I’ll hack the video feeds from all the surrounding spots and check out her story,” a black-haired girl says as she walks away.