“Going to find out more information. I have contacts all over.”

“You’re sure as fuck not going alone.”

He threads his fingers with hers, and they disappear through a portal without another word.

Roslyn picks up her phone, and she looks around warily. “I’m going to call my mother. She might know something or someone who will help.”

I still don’t trust Sadie, and Sadie sure as hell never wants to be alone with me again. I don’t regret torturing her, and Roslyn knows it. It’s why she usually keeps her distance from me.

“So everyone else is about to go on a mission to find out how to save these kids, when the answer is going to stay here?” Leah asks defiantly.

Thad looks over at me, clearing his throat as he stands. “I’m just gonna go… anywhere else. Holler if you need me.”


He’s gone almost as soon as the words are out of his mouth, and Drackus clears his throat before looking at Leah. “Believe it or not, this is where we shine. We’ll handle this. It’s why Kane wants this group dealing with it.”

Karma walks over and places her hand on Leah’s arm. “Trust us. They got me and Kimber out not too long ago. We’ll get the kids, and we’ll win.”

I wrap my arms around Leah’s waist, holding her to me as she remains a stone in my embrace.

“I’m not losing you,” I murmur against her head, kissing her softly.

She sighs hard while looking away. “I just talked you out of walking away from me, Zee. You were prepared to lose me an hour ago for a far less noble reason.”

Drackus walks out, apparently finding the air awkward now. I spin her around as Dice kicks up his feet and crosses his arms over his chest, preparing to watch the show. Karma slaps his shoulder and grabs him by the hand, pulling him out as he pouts.

We’re alone when Leah’s eyes meet mine.

“I didn’t want you to suf—”

“You didn’t want to feel guilty for doing this to me,” she interrupts, using her eyes to dare me to say otherwise. “You were going to leave me over guilt, and now you act like you can’t allow me to go do something good? My guilt outweighs yours a hundred-fold, Zee. People are dying because of me. A lot of people.”

“That’s not your fucking fault!” I yell, getting closer. “That’s on them. Not you. They’re going to kill anyway. Don’t let them get inside your head. We will handle this, Leah. We will.”

She turns away from me, and she stares out the window. Life would be easier if we could start predicting the future, but Kimber’s visions have almost dried up. She barely even sees scrambled images anymore.

Which is why she took off immediately to go track down facts. She felt guilty.

We’re all full of guilt apparently.

Chaz calls my name from somewhere down the hall, and I kiss Leah’s cheek before walking off to find him. As soon as I round the corner, he’s standing there, looking every bit as defeated and exhausted as I feel.

“I need some juice, more than Dice’s power can offer,” he whispers. The look in his eyes lets me know this isn’t easy for him to ask. I’m still coming down off a power high, so I have plenty of excess, which is why I’m sure he’s asking. Not to mention, I’ve had more than enough of my girl’s blood.

“Take what you need,” I tell him without hesitance.

He glances over his shoulder, and his eyes go back to a book.

“I said take it,” I whisper again.

“I am,” he says with a small smile. “You won’t feel a thing.”

“Think you could do this to Slade? Weaken him?” I ask, feeling a bit of inspiration strike.

“I’ve tried. It’s like he’s barred himself against it. Considering he lived next door to two red jinn for a while, I’m not surprised he figured out how to do that.”

Damn. Always something.