“I guess I should have heeded the warning. I thought you were just a cocky asshole accountant doing the bad boy vampire role play thing because your real life was just too boring. At best you were crazy. At worst you were psycho. Turns out, you’re exactly what I’ve always wanted.”

She’s crazy.

She turns and pushes the balcony doors open, and I watch as she walks out onto the balcony. “I’m pretty much indestructible now, right?”

My eyes narrow, and she smiles again before falling backwards. A curse tears from my lips before I dematerialize and quickly reappear in time to catch her before she hits the ground.

She laughs when I cradle her to me, barely catching my breath. When she looks up at me, her eyes are full of amusement.

“See?” she prompts, leaning up to brush her lips against my jaw. “You can’t ruin me, Zee. At least not the way you think. You’re too much of a hero for that.”

I groan as she climbs down from my arms, swishing her ass in that damn sheet that she has tied around her.

Roslyn steps out, watching us with curious eyes. It wasn’t too long ago Thad demanded I sire her… before he knew what she was. Now I understand why he was so desperate to keep the girl he wanted. To keep the girl he needed.

“I need to learn how to fight,” Leah says, snapping me out of my reverie.

“Right now?” I ask as she adjusts her sheet.

“No time like the present.”

Her sheet vanishes and clothes appear in its place. Roslyn smirks before walking away, and Leah and I are left alone in the darkness as she takes in her tight pants and sports bra.

Fucking hell. Like I can focus on fighting while she’s wearing that.

“No,” I state, backing away.

She blurs to be in front of me, reminding me how fucking fast she already was before I turned her. Her eyes meet mine, and she throws a punch I’m not prepared for.

The air abandons my lungs in a rush when she hits me right in the side, and I stumble forward. I cough and glare back at her while she smirks at me.

“I’m not going to fucking hit you.”

“Then kicking your ass will be less fun,” she states flatly, jumping up and kicking me in the chest.

I stagger backwards, cursing all the strength she has now. The night stalker combined with the anointed strength… She packs a fucking punch.

She struts a slow circle around me, and I watch her with narrowed eyes. She’s poised, in control, alert… She’s sure as hell not acting bound by me.

She spins, throwing her leg out, but I catch it and jerk her against me. I feel my eyes light up in warning, and she smirks like she just won something.

“There’s my scary vampire,” she whispers before shoving me off her and then kicking again.

I grab her leg and sling her down to the ground, watching as she smiles up at me from all fours. Fuck me. She looks like a predator and prey all at once, and I want to remind her who she belongs to, even though I hate myself for it.

She stands slowly, running her hands up her sides, seducing me… distracting me.

“I don’t like being a damsel in distress, Zee. I’ve never had to fight. Despite who or what I am, it’s not as easy to defend myself as everyone thinks it should be. Next time, I want to save myself.”

I blur across the yard, taking her by surprise when I slam her back against the tree and press myself against her, pinning her in place as she struggles.

“There won’t be a next time. You’re fucking staying right beside me,” I growl, feeling every protective instinct in me trying to drag me back to the darkness… To the place where all my control rests in her hands.

“I guess that means you can’t leave then,” she says with a more pronounced smirk, once again acting victorious.

She needs to stop acting like she’s won a prize and taunting me. She has no clue what she’s gotten herself into.

Fate is one twisted bitch for throwing her into my lap. Didn’t it know what I would do to her? Didn’t it know I’d ruin her?