He won’t even look at me, when five seconds ago he was acting like he couldn’t let me go.

“Can we skip this part?” I groan.

“What part?” he asks distractedly, still throwing whatever random clothes he grabs into a bag.

“The part where you feel immense guilt and do this running away thing you’re attempting. I seriously don’t have time to deal with your meltdown when there’s a lot more important shit going on. For one, there’s an entire group of my kind out there hunting for me, and we need to make sure I don’t unintentionally lead them right to you and your friends.”

He pauses what he’s doing, and he looks up at me with narrowed, confused eyes.

“Are you sure I sired you?” he asks, and I think he’s being genuine.

“Um… Yeah.”

I let my eyes flash blue, feeling the power float through me and sizzle, and then I shut it off, because it’s still a mystery what will happen if I let it stay in place for too long.

He still studies me, and he even tilts his head from one side to the other.

“You’re aren’t acting—”

“Like a newb? Yeah. Heard that. We can skip that part too. I’m also not mad that you did this to save my life, because I really didn’t know how not ready to die I am until I almost did die.”

His jaw ticks, and he goes back to shoving shit in his bag.

“I could have called Dray.”

“You could have. He might not have made it in time. You were seriously not yourself. At the end of the day, you risked your own life to protect me. That’s all that matters. You saved me, Zee.”

Chapter 26


She thinks I fucking saved her. Maybe the bonds are a little less obvious since she’s not standing there with hearts in her eyes and calling me Sir or something. But she’s definitely not right if she thinks I saved her.

Just as I start to toss something else in my bag, a hand comes up and grabs my wrist. Leah shoves me against the wall with a hell of a lot more strength than she should be able to use against me, considering the bonds.

She smirks when I look down at her, and she lets those damn night stalker blues show again. She’s making it hard to feel guilty when she’s acting like she enjoys the way she feels.

“I guess this means I can turn you on like you turn me on now,” she says, even though I know it’s a tactic of deflection.

I cock an eyebrow at her, and she continues to hold me against the wall. I could easily push her off me, but I won’t.

“I think we both know you already turn me on. Which is why you were even in this position to begin with.”

She steps into me, pushing her front against mine and craning her head back so she can continue looking up into my eyes.

“Is that all it is to you, Zee? Hot sex? Lust? Because I don’t see you risking your life over and over to save a girl just because you l

ike fucking her. You aren’t the kind of guy to lose all control just because you want in my pants. You aren’t the kind of guy to fight everything in him to keep me close but push me away when it mattered. You risked everything on a daily basis to be with me. And now you think I’m just going to let you go?”

She takes a step back, keeping a challenge in her eyes. I don’t say anything, because I really don’t know what to fucking say. This is the worst thing that could have happened. I never wanted to sire anyone. I sure as hell didn’t want to sire the only girl I’ve ever really wanted.

I wanted to protect her.

I wanted to save her.

Instead… “I’ve ruined you.”

She grins. She fucking grins.