“What’s up with this tip?” I ask him.

“I think it was from Slade.”

My hand immediately stills over my girl’s body, and I turn all my attention to the phone. “The hell?”

“Slade is a sadistic enigma, but he’s been helpful in the past. Gage traced the call back to a place where Ella said she saw him. Don’t even get me fucking started on Ella going to see him behind our backs. I can’t do that conversation right now.”

He takes a deep, calming breath, then he resumes.

“Anyway, we were attacked earlier by several types of fey. Drackus and I managed to kill several and the rest retreated. I don’t think they knew about Alyssa. Amy, Sierra, Deke, and Amy’s night stalker are tracking them now, trying to catch them before the trail runs cold. I think it was a diversion technique.”

My eyes flick back to Leah, and I tug the bindings with one hand, freeing her wrists so that she can get up and ungag herself.

“Glad Drackus is with you.”

Kane blows out a breath. “Me too. He’s the one who caught the ambush before it happened. They were going to set fire to the house to kill the entrance spell. That paranoid son of a bitch finally came in handy. So did Shaylan, his sick demon on a leash.”

Leah ducks out of the room, and I watch her naked ass until it’s out of sight. I’m forced to bring myself back to the situation at hand when Kane groans.

“Are you listening?”

“Yeah. Sorry. I’ll go with them to check out the tip. Make sure Alyssa stays out of sight. You’ll need somewhere else to hideout since they know where you are now.”

Kane curses. “We have to leave Pine Shore, which means I won’t be able to be there for you in a blink when you need me. Dray is coming with us, because he’s having to heal Alyssa at least twice a week. The baby is draining her too much. Which means—”

“Which means Ella times fifteen. Got it. If Ella could get her powers under control, she could level Morgana, her minions and Slade with one big push of energy.”

“If she attempted it right now, she’d probably be lost to her dark side permanently, so don’t tell her she’s strong enough to do that. She’d sacrifice herself. She likes the darkness, Zee. She really, really likes it, and I’m worried what will happen if she succumbs to it.”

I can’t even think about it. “She loves us more than the darkness. Don’t worry. I’ll call you when we check out the lead. Do we take Morgana out if it’s legit?”

“Yes. She’s just a witch. Level her fucking ass. Thad and Roslyn are going. Ella too. Don’t let Ella lose it. I trust you to watch after her.”

I nod like he can fucking see me, then roll my eyes at my own self. “I’ll watch her. I’m leaving Leah behind.”

“I’m going,” Leah argues, fully dressed and standing in the doorway as she glares at me.

“Sounds like she’s going,” Kane says, and I can feel his shit-eating grin.

Groaning, I stand up, and I end the phone call before pushing Thad’s phone in my pocket.

“It’s going to be dangerous.”

“I’ve got mad skills.”

My eyebrows go up, and she grins.

“Trust me, Zee. Instinct takes over.”

That doesn’t scare me at all…

“I know who the bad guys are when instinct takes over,” she adds, as though she’s reading my thoughts.

“Okay… But you’re staying glued to my fucking side. If it gets too dangerous, I’m having Roslyn send your ass away.”

Her lips twitch, and she slowly walks over to me. “Aye, Captain,” she says in a pirate voice that has me rolling my eyes.

This is a terrible idea.