Yeah, and I was born fucking yesterday. Why do all the old fuckers think I’m stupid?

I glare at her, not wanting to seem overly eager to question her intentions.

“It’s blood, Zee,” she says, tempting me with the scent as more oozes from her wrist.

My jaw ticks as my control starts to unravel. I don’t have long before I hold her down and take as much as I crave. It smells so much sweeter when it’s dripping right in front of me.

“You always carry around an anointed knife to slice your wrist open in front of a night stalker?”

“I carry around an anointed weapon for protection against night stalkers. In case you haven’t noticed, there’s panic within the fey world right now. Witches are back on the all-you-can-eat menu, since everyone is scrambling to get stronger. They sense the threat, just like we do.”

“You were with the threat,” I remind her, ignoring the tremble in my hand.

The blood… It’s taunting me… Tempting me… Fucking with my head. My mouth actually starts watering, and the tremble in my hand grows stronger.

“I can help you,” she says softly, putting her hand on my cheek as she steps closer.

The sweet scent gets stronger, almost overwhelming me, and my pulse thuds in my ears as my vision zeros in on the blood right in front of me. I can’t get my fangs to recede, and I’ve lost control of my eyes now.

“They sent me to try and seduce the information out of you, but I refuse. I want Gavin back so we can run away from all of this,” she whispers hoarsely.

I’m sure I smell tears tainting the sweet scent of her blood, but I can’t look away. My tongue slowly runs across the seam of my lips as she steps into me, pushing her wrist a breath away from my lips.

“They want Gavin, but they can’t have him. Not again. I won’t let them use me. They want to know everything about you, but I won’t tell them anything. If you’ve ever loved someone, you’ll understand the desperation I feel.”

Just as she moves to press her wrist against my lips, I grab her arm and grip it with more force than necessary. Her eyes widen when a dark, warning growl emanates from deep within my chest.

It takes all the willpower inside of me, but I dematerialize away from her, and I don’t rematerialize until I’m staggering through the woods behind Gage’s Pine Shore cabin. I almost want to go back and rip her head off her shoulders for fucking with me now that I’m not being weakened and taunted by her damn blood.

Just as I push through the door, I hear Thad and Dice talking.

“It’s a legitimate question,” Dice says, seeming far too amused as Thad glares at him.

“Wanting to know if I can fuck Roslyn’s wolf with my bear is not a legitimate question. Where the fuck does your twisted, sick mind go?”

Sometimes I wonder if you go insane the longer you live. It would explain a lot.

“I’m a sexual deviant by nature,” Dice says dismissively. “Therefore, it’s only natural that I be curious about the boundaries of others. Hashtag, don’t judge me. Oh! What about your tiger? A little feline on canine action… Who wouldn’t be curious about that?”

I roll my eyes while walking toward them.

“You sick son of—”

“Sorry to interrupt,” I announce, not feeling sorry at all, “but we have a real problem.”

Dice leans up as Thad turns around to face me. “A realer problem than figuring out if Thad can fuck Roslyn’s wolf in various forms?” Dice muses. “Sounds serious.”

Thad growls and cuts his eyes warningly at the sick fuck of an incubus, but Dice just smiles.

“What’s going on?” Gage’s sudden voice has me turning around just as he and Kane come into the room.

With one word, Gage turns white and the other three men curse. “Morgana.”



“That’s fucked up,” Chaz says while running a hand through his hair as I finish doling out the details for our collective group. “We had her and let her go because we didn’t think she was a threat.”