“He was… rescuing her,” I manage to say, even though it’s barely a hoarse whisper.

Silence descends, and all eyes turn toward me. Zee’s grip tightens, and he takes a step back, as though he’s ready to get us both out of the lion’s den if necessary.

“We’re not going to fucking hurt her, Zee. You know I wouldn’t do that to you,” Kane snaps, looking wounded as he glares at Zee. “I’m just looking for my daughter.”

I swallow a little easier, but Zee still clings to me like he’s not in any hurry to loosen his grip.

Kane turns his gaze on me, looking a little less scary and a lot more like a terrified father, even though he barely looks like he’s in his twenties.

“Where did he take her?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know. He just disappeared. He… He killed that one, and they were friends.” Weakly, I point to Duncan’s dead body, and they all study it.

“Slade killed him when they were paired together?” Chaz asks randomly.

I just nod.

“He’s a lot fucking stronger than I thought,” he groans.

“Why?” Kimber asks, investigating the body as though she’s looking for clues.

“Because two red jinn strong enough to knock out three powerful creatures? They shouldn’t have been stopped so easily. Especiall

y since it looks like they were already feeding off them. A pairing makes them stronger, almost invincible. Killing a solo red jinn is already hard as fuck to do. Pair them? Things change.”

All eyes turn to Zee. He killed a solo red jinn and barely broke a sweat.

“Where would Slade take Ella?” Kane asks aloud, running his hand through his hair. “What the hell does he want with her?”

I’m not sure if it’s smart to talk or not, but I can’t help myself. “He was really protective of her. He didn’t want anyone knowing he’d saved her. I honestly think he won’t hurt her.”

Yeah… Should have kept my mouth shut.

Several pairs of different colored eyes meet mine, and Zee’s hold tightens again.

“Protective? You call this protective?” Kane asks in disbelief.

“He killed a man he called a friend because they didn’t want to let her go,” I explain. “They were apparently enslaved together. Yet he killed him so he could save her. It’s twisted, but it’s still protective.”

No one says anything, but everyone looks at Kane. “Over my dead fucking body,” he growls.

I’m not sure what that means, but he disappears from the room, and everyone follows suit.

Zee stays with me, walking slowly toward the door instead of vanishing from sight.

“What’re we doing?” I ask, confused.

“I’m not risking dematerializing with you. You’re very mortal and weak right now. We can walk back.”

“But what about Ella? Don’t they need your help?”

His lips brush my forehead again as we emerge from the dusty room and into the night air.

“Ella has everyone else. I’ll be there when they need me. Right now, I’m all you have, and I’ll be damned if I just let you suffer alone. I’ll call a friend to come heal you.”

I don’t know what that means, but I really do wish those tears would come right now. I want to hide inside of him and absorb all he has to offer.

“Thank you,” I finally manage to say just before my eyes flutter closed.