Her eyes flit to the marks on my arms that feel alive, constantly thrumming through my veins with power.

“How do you know Gavin and what he did to me?” I ask, deciding to play dumb.

She takes a cautious step toward me, and I hold my ground as she reaches out and slowly traces the lines of ink on my arm. She’s full-blooded witch, yet I have no desire to taste her blood. I couldn’t even get the name of my temptress because I was so caught up in her scent.

That’s a good thing. It means I haven’t really lost my control. I just have some weaknesses.

“You feel your control slipping,” she announces, ignoring my question and possibly reading my mind.

Didn’t know witches could do that.

“These marks,” she goes on, still tracing the lines with her fingers, “are Gavin’s. I know them well. We spent a lot of years being close.”

I notice the look in her eyes and how slowly she’s dragging her touch across me. She’s trying to seduce me?

Wrong place. Wrong night. Wrong fucking guy.

Playing her game, I rem

ain quiet, letting her take her time and draw out her touch however she feels like it.

“Most days you’re probably fine. The days when you use your magic the most, you feel hungrier than usual. Magic wasn’t meant for night stalkers. I don’t suppose you’ve sired anyone, have you?”

Probing for answers? Really?

“I don’t suppose you expect me to answer questions when you don’t.”

Her lips play with a smile, deciding to finally let it shine fully. “Let’s not be coy, Zee. You know who I am, or you wouldn’t be standing here talking to me. You want to know what my angle is. So, we can keep doing this dance, or we can cut to the chase.”

Well, that was easy enough.

“What do you want, Morgana?” I ask, stepping out of her reach. “We let you live because Gage believes in your innocence. We let you walk away because we believed you and Gavin were both under a blood oath. Now you’re stalking me and playing games? Why? Because Gage is with Kimber, but I’m single and easy? You should have done more homework if that’s the case.”

Her lip trembles, and she looks over her shoulder, as though she’s worried someone is watching her. When she looks back at me, she steps closer, hiding herself in the crack between two buildings that’s barely enough for her shoulders to squeeze in properly.

“I can’t talk about things. You know why. But I can give you something you need.”

My eyebrow cocks up.

“What do I need?”

Without warning, she pulls a blade from thin air, but she slices it down on her wrist before I can react. When her blood pools from the wound, that primal urge inside me refuses to remain dormant.

A growl rips from my throat, and her eyes flash with fire again, burning brighter this time.

“Human blood won’t be strong enough to help you, Zee. You’re more powerful, so you need more powerful blood. You can’t drink just any fey’s blood. They have to be a night stalker sired by you in order for you to get any sustenance from it. But witch’s blood is the exception. I’m willing to donate.”

Fuck that.

“Witch’s blood is addictive and you know it,” I snarl.

“But it’s powerful. You need it whether you want to admit it or not. You think there’s another witch who will offer it straight from the source? Don’t deny that you feel like you’re losing an internal war. Before you know it, the monster you’ve leashed will be in control of you if you don’t take care of yourself.”

“And you’re donating your blood? Why the fuck would I trust you?”

None of this is making sense. She’s trying too hard, and this seems so fucking random. How does she know I’m struggling?

“You don’t have to trust me. All I want is Gavin. I’ll give you as much as you need until you leash the monster again. Once you’re in full control, I’ll help ween you off my blood. After you feel it’s safe, I want him returned to me. That’s it. I just need to know he’s alive and safe in the meantime.”