Kane is suddenly appearing in front of me, and the pieces of his phone crash to the ground as his eyes glow silver and feral. “Where? How? When the fucking hell did this happen?”

“Kimber can explain the details later. They’re not important. Where’s Roslyn?” I ask, glancing over at Chaz.

She and Thad appear as if on cue, laughing lightly as they walk in. But their light moment ends the second they see the looks on our faces.

“What happened?” Thad asks, tensing as he studies us.

“You can still track Slade any time, right?” I ask Roslyn, ignoring Thad.

She nods warily. “Yeah. I’ve had his blood. But it’s suicide.”

“I’m just as strong as he is,” Kane snarls.

“No,” Roslyn counters, stepping closer. “You’re not. You’re strong, but he’s Gemini. He’s a whole different breed of creature god. Ella is stronger than you, and she might one day be a match for him, but she’s not in control yet. But as for you… Believe me, I’ve seen his power and yours. I know the difference. I’m not trying to step into a pissing match, and I’m certainly not trying to be disrespectful, but as long as he’s leaving us alone—”

“He has Ella and Leah,” I cut in.

Her eyes widen, and Thad turns a scary shade of red.

Roslyn swallows hard before nodding, and the sound of clothing ripping sounds as she shifts, dropping to the ground. Before she hits the floor, she’s a white wolf and racing out the door.



The cabin is deserted and quiet. Everything is quiet.

Chaz whispers, “I’ll go check around back.”

Kane just nods to him, and we take silent steps through the wooded area, searching for any trail.

Roslyn sniffs the air, and she turns her autumn-burning eyes on me, seeming confused. It’d be nice if she could talk right now, but she keeps her wolf nose in the air, searching and seeking.

She yelps suddenly, and she drops to the ground. Thad rushes to her side, but he curses when he slams into something invisible.

Fucking shit.

“Trap,” Kane growls, looking around us. He throws out a red orb, and it crashes into the invisible wall,

radiating and spider-veining a pattern across it.

We’re encircled by it.

“Think I’m stupid?” Slade’s voice is abrupt, and I look over just as he appears at a tree, leaning against it with his arms casually crossed over his chest.

“Pretty fucking stupid,” Kane snarls. He slams his fist into the invisible wall, but it doesn’t break. It does bloody his damn hand up, though.

“Where are they?” I snap, losing my patience with the games.

Slade smirks as his eyes glow silver. His hand darts out, and I hear a strangled curse seconds before Chaz becomes visible with Slade’s hand on his throat.

“Don’t tempt me, duster,” Slade says coldly, then he tosses him through the wall we’re trapped in.

Chaz lands with a grunt, and his eyes turn solid gold before flecking back into duster flakes of gold. What the—

“It’s one way,” he says, pointing at the wall. “Nifty little trap, if I do say so myself. Don’t worry, it’s only strong enough to hold you for a few hours. But this is your only warning. As you see, I’m a lot stronger. Don’t fuck with me. Let it go. She’s not worth it.”

“We won’t let this go, you stupid, arrogant son of a bitch!” Kane barks. “I will kill—”