His lips twitch, but my breath catches in my throat when he tugs me closer, still moving me to the music. My arms dangle loosely at my sides, and my eyes stay locked with his. I’m going to have one hell of a crick in my neck.

“You have no idea how great I am. I’m trying to do you a favor, and you’re getting pissed. Seeing all the anger in your eyes from my rejection is stroking my ego just fine.”

Of all the arrogant, narcisstic—

“But you really should go,” he says, cutting my thoughts off when he leans down and flicks his tongue against my neck.

Swallowing, breathing, and thinking all become a little harder to do. I guess I’m not even hearing him correctly, because I swear he said I should go, but he’s holding onto me like he won’t let me leave.

It’s times like these that I wish those thought bubbles actually would appear over someone’s head, because I honestly don’t know what he just said. Not that I could see a thought bubble, since my eyes are closed and I’m melting against him like he owns me.

“You smell so good,” he whispers across my neck.

His teeth rake across my skin, and he sucks a spot on my neck that has me moaning.

“So, so good. Too good.” His hand slides down to my ass, squeezing, and I shudder against him as my body goes into violent, almost desperate, unexplainable need. “I could very easily own every inch of you.”

“Prove it,” I whisper hoarsely. It’s like I hear myself, but I have no control over what comes out of my mouth or how I’m even behaving.

“I could. I could prove it for a very, very long time. Don’t tempt me. Guys like me… We really love owning things.”

Possessiveness… I hate that so much. So why am I hoping he shows me how good it could be?

“You keep talking instead of acting,” I taunt, arching into him more as my eyes roll back in my head. Every touch feels so intense, as though he’s coiling around me and dipping inside.

“All of you,” he whispers, even though it doesn’t make any sense at all. “For as long as I wanted.”

Almost instantly, I’m staggering forward, bumping into something, and my eyes dart open as a cold, bereft sensation creeps into my veins. A guy with very impressive fake fangs hisses at me, and I stumble back, bumping into someone else as I look around. Where did Zee go?

Things are a little blurry, but it doesn’t take long to realize he’s gone.

My head almost feels like there’s a cold fire going on inside it, and my heart is beating so fast that it can possibly be heard. It’s a dizzying, lingering effect that has me blinking rapidly and staggering toward the door.

“Whoa! What happened?” Marilyn asks, grabbing me from the side when I almost fall.

I don’t want to tell her that my body is still humming and craving for the touch I just lost, because it sounds so insane.

“I think I had too much to drink,” I lie, even though the slurred words help me sound convincing.

Maybe I did drink too much, because I sure as hell feel drunk.

Chapter 2


Running to catch up with Josh, I glance over my shoulder, feeling eyes on me. I almost fucking fall when I see who is watching me.

I don’t know her name. I don’t know where she came from. All I know is she’s the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen.

Long, black hair is wavy, touching her sides as she takes a drink from a bottle being handed to her. She’s hanging out with a group of random people in the parking lot.

Josh whistles low when he sees what I’m staring at, and the mystery girl winks at me.

My plans for the night just changed.

“Zee, man, we might fight over this one,” Josh warns through a chuckle.

The sex pistol is wearing the tightest jeans I’ve ever seen, and a shirt that shows off her midriff. She’s not looking at Josh. No. Those eyes are solely trained on me.