“Why doesn’t he like being touched?” I ask before I can stop myself. “Is it because he was locked up for so long?”

Both women look at me like I’ve sprouted an extra head. I keep talking out of turn and forgetting my place.

“We don’t know,” Kya finally says. “But sex in the cages was encouraged, so it hasn’t been that long since he was touched. They wanted us to breed, especially him. Most of us had spells on us before going in—to prevent pregnancy. I got lucky. Slade couldn’t use much magic, but he was able to use enough to cast spells as small as that. It’s how we kept from reproducing, and it saved me the trouble of having a child in the rings.”

Yeah… Not touching that one. It’s just too freaky and they act like they’re discussing the weather or something.

“You had sex with him?” Cat girl asks Kya.

Kya’s nose wrinkles. “No. Of course not. He practically helped raise me. He just cast a pregnancy spell on me.”

Cat girl leans back, glancing at the door Slade disappeared behind.

“Since he’s been out,” Kya goes on, “he hasn’t wanted anyone to touch him at all. I was right beside his cage, so I know he never had a problem with it before. Even the slightest graze could get someone punched now.”

“He had sex with me in the cages,” the blonde grumbles. “I was desperate and he was willing. Now we’re out and he won’t touch me, even though he doesn’t exactly have any other options. Who else would touch him?”

She talks about him like he should be thankful she’d even consider sleeping with him.

“If you’re not attracted to him, then why do you want to sleep with him so bad?” I ask, trying to keep the acid out of my tone.

“He’s the most powerful,” she says, acting as though it should be obvious. “I feel safe with him.”

“When he’s not threatening to kill you?” I immediately regret that comment when the girl’s eyes flash to an autumn color and she actually growls at me. Damn.

Kya snorts out a laugh, and she shakes her head as the girl storms away.

“Be glad I’m sitting here or she would have clawed your eyes out.”

Yeah, it’s not smart to piss off the supernatural.

“Sorry,” I mumble.

Kya just laughs lightly while picking up her phone. “Don’t be. It’s the truth. Not even I’m stupid enough to feel safe with Slade. If I ever pissed him off enough, he’d end me without a thought. And my cage was next to his for a really long time. I practically grew up around him. Even though he’s been grown for centuries, he still feels like the closest thing to family I have. Doesn’t mean he wouldn’t rip my throat out if I crossed him.”

Yeah… Still getting used to the whole centuries thing. And the throat-ripping-out thing. And the consequence of death thing.

Not easy. Not easy at all.

She doesn’t mention the fact that Karma is her actual family, and I don’t have the right to point it out, since I have no clue what’s going on between them.

“Yet everyone follows him,” I whisper, hoping it’s low enough. Apparently super people have super hearing.

“We all want one thing. Revenge. Slade is the strongest. With him, we stand a chance.”

“But not with Zee’s people,” I surmise.

She nods. “They’re too easily distracted. Have you met the incubus? He’s a walking one-man show who never shuts up. And that’s who Karma is with. They have zero interest in being the strongest. They keep thinking they’re untouchable. And their values only water down what has to be done. They risked their lives for the wolf girl, and somehow we were dragged into having to help them. I can’t imagine Slade helping out for any other reason. Their priorities are jacked, and they’re putting us all at risk.”

“Wouldn’t Slade risk his life to save you?”

She smiles bitterly. “I’d kill myself if they took me back. He wouldn’t have to save me. But no, he wouldn’t come for me. No one would. It’s not a priority, and that’s the way it should be. In the end, we’re all expendable. Nothing can compromise the ultimate goal.”

That almost makes me even sadder than the damn prison story.

“This is serious, Leah. You’ve stepped into some heavy shit. You’re with us or you’re not. But your soul… I’ve never seen such a glow before. Not on any mortal, even if they were destined for immortality. It means there’s a strong power inside of you, and we could use more strength.”

Which means it would make sense to join forces with Zee’s crew, but I don’t point that out. I’m not sure how much of it is because I want to see him, but I wish I could get them to talk.