This has to be a nightmare. Has. To. Be.

Shit like this just doesn’t happen.

“Alright, sexy girl. Let’s see what color panties you have on,” the one up front says, licking his lips as he starts undoing his belt.

Panic bubbles in my chest, and I start wondering how quickly my knee can connect with his balls.

“My panties are red,” a feminine voice suddenly says. All eyes swing to the back of the alley as a familiar face nears. She’s wearing different clothes. In fact, she looks like every teenage boy’s wet dream version of a superhero—red leather corset, black leather pants, red high heels, and cleavage for days.

How did her hair get so long?

“Want to take a peek?” she drawls, tugging at the string of a slinky pair of underwear as she pulls it up above her black leather pants.

She winks at the one who has his pants half undone, and his mouth falls open. In fact, they all look a little shocked and silent for the first time since I stupidly stumbled into this alley.

“Come and get it, boys. There’s plenty of little ol’ me for all of you.” She struts toward us, carrying a secretive smirk, and I start praying she’s a witch or a vampire or something… Because I’m a lunatic these days.

“For the record, I like to be on top,” she adds, seconds before she spins, slinging her leg out like she’s Becky Badass. It connects with pants-undone guy, and he goes down hard.

That’s when the other four stare for a second, dumbfounded.

She begins ticking them off with her fingers, pointing at them one by one. “Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.” She pauses when her finger lands on the only one who hasn’t said anything. “Looks like it’s your lucky night. Run before I change my mind.”

It’s like the guy has just been waiting on that option, and he hauls ass out of the alley like hell is on his heels. Karma—I think that’s what they called her—smiles coldly at the other four.

“Last words, boys?” she asks, taking another step forward.

“Mine,” one says, grinning like the cat who ate the canary.

“You have to catch me first,” she taunts.

It all happens so fast that it’s hard to follow the motions. She’s nothing more than a blur. One second she’s in one spot, and the next she’s punching a guy in the face. Before I can even take a breath, she’s already snapping the arm of another with the sickening, bone-crunching sound effects and all. My stomach lurches when blood sprays from another’s mouth. I don’t even know what she did to him.

She tosses one down to the ground, and the idiot with his pants around his ankles falls on his own. She just laughs, not even seeming the least bit winded or tired. It’s like she’s toying with them, not even really trying hard to kick their asses.

I think I have a girl crush right now.

But then… her eyes turn a very scary shade of red.

“Dark souls stained by innocent blood. My favorite,” she says cryptically.

Her hands go out, and I slam my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming when the guys start convulsing and white foam forms at their lips. Something bright red and glowing pulls from their bodies, and the writhing stops mostly. Only a few occasional jerks form at their fingertips and feet.

The light flows into her eyes, and that cold, unnaturally satisfied smile curves her lips.

“Don’t worry, girl. Your soul isn’t my type. It’s safe,” she says, still staring ahead as the last of the red light flows into her.

Until tonight, I’d never seen anyone die in front of my eyes. Now I’ve seen it happen too much for a lifetime.

She starts to walk away, and I try to speak. It’s harder to do than I thought it would be. I’m not sure if I should thank her for ruthlessly killing all those men in front of me, but she did just save my life.

“Karma, thank you. You… Thank you.” I manage to squeeze the words out, and she halts as her entire body tenses.

Slowly, she turns around to face me, and her breaths are harsh.

“You called me Karma,” she states flatly, even though her eyes narrow.

“I’m… I thought… Did I get it wrong?” I stutter, wishing I had just let her walk away. “I thought… You were sick. You look better,” I prattle on, wincing at how freaking pathetic I truly sound.