“Wait. What?” I sputter, my head tilting back so I can see his face. “We’re not going to have sex?”

A muscle in his jaw jumps before he answers, “Not yet, baby.”

“Why? Are you still mad at me?” He doesn’t look angry, but I can’t come up with any other reason for why he doesn’t just take me already.

“No, I’ve worked through all of that and the only thing I’m feeling right now is a fierce need to sink deep inside you. But your tight little pussy is too sensitive for me to take your cherry right now. No matter how gentle I am, it would still hurt more than it needs to. And your needs come before mine, so we’ll wait.”

My heart melts at his logic. “I really wish I could think of something bigger than the universe because there’s nothing sexier than a guy who puts his woman first.”

“I always will, my little starlet,” he promises. Then he spends the next several hours doing exactly what he said he would—pampering the heck out of me. He gently cleans between my legs with a warm washcloth before pulling one of his T-shirts over my head. He gets Italian food for dinner because it’s my favorite, then texts his brother to ask for the name of the movers he’d used for his wife’s stuff when he shanghaied her after they met. He calls them and arranges with them to pack up my stuff and bring it over in the morning before we have to leave for the set. He even orders a crap ton of groceries and toiletries because he wants to make sure he has anything I might want, even though we’ll hardly be home this week since we start shooting tomorrow.

Through it all, he refuses to let me lift so much as a finger. I can’t remember a time I’ve ever felt so well taken care of. But I would gladly give up all the pampering for the moment that finally comes hours later when we crawl back into his big bed with each other and he asks, “How’s your pussy feel now, baby? You think you’re ready to take me?”

“Yes. Definitely yes.” Like I’m going to say anything else. I know it’s supposed to hurt, but I can’t wait to feel him inside me.

“Thank fuck,” he breathes. “Because I’m not sure I can wait another minute to feel your tight little pussy wrapped around my cock. I’ve waited years for this moment, but I have no doubt you’re more than worth it.”

“Waited?” I ask. Does he mean…?

“Yes, little starlet, I’ve never been with anyone else. I was waiting for the right one.” He kisses both my cheeks, my eyes, nose, and then mouth. “For you.”

I suddenly appreciate that he didn’t take me earlier. It’s more special this way, separate from my punishment—as sexy as it was. Plus, I feel closer to him after how we spent the evening together. “You don’t need to wait anymore. I’m yours.”

“Only ever mine,” he growls, lifting the shirt off over my head and leaving me naked since he’d destroyed my panties earlier.

My gaze rakes down his body as he quickly follows suit and strips out of his clothes. I trail my fingers down his abdomen. “I can’t believe you’re going to be mine.”

He levers himself over my body and stares down at me. “There’s no ‘going to be’ about it. I’m already yours. Only ever yours.”

I’m blown away by his admission. Austin is devastatingly attractive. He could have any woman he wants, but he waited for me. I reach up to cradle his face and pull his head closer to whisper against his lips, “I need you. Now, please.”

His mouth crashes down on mine as his knees nudge my thighs apart. He wedges a hand between us and groans when he finds how wet I already am. I widen my legs when he works a finger into me, and lift my hips when he adds another. “You ready for more, baby?’

“Yes.” I reach down and wrap my hand around his hard length. “But not your fingers. I want this.”

“And you’re going to get it.”

He pulls his fingers out of me and lines himself up so his cock nudges my entrance. “I’m sorry, my little starlet.”

It’s the only warning I get before he grips my hips and plunges inside me. My eyes fill with tears, but it doesn’t hurt as much as I expected. I shift my hips, trying to get more comfortable and let out a little whimper.

“Hold still, baby.” Austin wipes my tears away with his thumbs. “Let it pass, and then I’ll more than make up for the pain.”

He kisses along my jaw line and down my neck, where he sucks at the skin hard enough that I know it’s going to leave a mark. “My first hickey.”