Nicole’s eyes widen and her mouth forms a little O. Obviously, she hadn’t thought of it before now either. She shakes her head. “No, I haven’t needed—”

My phone suddenly rings and I curse the intrusion. I pick it up with the intention of shutting it off and continuing our conversation, but a glance at the caller ID has me reconsidering when I see that it’s Ty. I almost ignore the call anyway but I know he’s probably calling about tomorrow’s schedule and it’s better to talk to him now rather than have him interrupting us later.

“I’m sorry. I have to take this, baby,” I apologize. “Go ahead and start without me.” Then I give her a stern glare. “When I say start, I mean the shower. You are not to touch yourself unless I specifically give you permission. Your orgasms belong to me and I promise, you won’t like the consequences if you break this rule,” I warn. “A red ass won’t be the only punishment you earn.”

She nods and spins around, quickly shedding her clothes. I curse, pissed that I’m not able to do it myself. I stab the talk button and stalk into the bedroom. “What?” I practically shout.

“Damn, Austin,” Ty grumbles. “You want to keep it down before you bust an eardrum?”

“Ty, you do not want to mess with me right now or I swear to all that is holy, the next time I see you, I will beat the ever-living shit out of you.”

Ty whistles but wisely says nothing more to prick my temper. He relays the schedule for the week and the list of scenes we’ll be shooting. Once we’re done, I hang up and turn off my phone before throwing it on the dresser. I shed my clothes as I hurry back to my girl.

The glass enclosed shower has filled with steam and I can’t see much as I approach it. My hand is reaching for the handle when I hear a soft moan. What the fuck? I know the sound of that moan.

She woudn’t…I wrench the door open and stomp inside. Just as I suspected, Nicole is sitting on the bench seat built into the back wall. Her legs are spread wide, her head thrown back, and her hand is between her legs. She moans again, then stiffens, and jealousy burns in my chest. No one. NO ONE gets her orgasms but me. I walk over and bend down, pressing my hands onto the bench, caging her between my arms. I feel a little wild and out of control and she must sense it because her expression turns a little uncertain.

“I own this pussy, little starlet,” I growl. “You signed away your rights and now it belongs to me. Which means I decide when you show it to me. I decide when you give it to me. And, I fucking decide when you can come.”

Nicole bites her lip nervously, but her blue eyes are swirling with desire.

“I warned you, little starlet,” I grunt with a shake of my head. “And you deliberately disobeyed me. Now I’m going to have to punish you and remind you who this body”—I run a finger down the valley between her tits—”this pussy”—I keep going down until I’m cupping her mound—”belongs to.”

Chapter 6


The second Austin ordered me not to touch myself, I knew it was the rule I was going to break. I was dying to know how it would feel to have him spank me, but I also wanted his attention firmly fixed on me and had a hunch this would make that happen. Boy, was I right. A stampede of elephants could come crashing through his house, and I’m positive he wouldn’t leave this shower stall. For a brief moment, I wonder if I might’ve bitten off more than I can chew. But then I remember what he said about never hurting me…and I instinctively know it’s true. Plus, the intense pleasure of my first-ever orgasm at Austin’s hands and mouth make me crave more. It might be foolish of me, but I trust him—even though I know his temper has slipped its leash.

I wrap my fingers around his wrist, and his entire body freezes while he waits to see what I’m going to do next. It reinforces my belief that I’m safe with him no matter what. I spread my legs farther and press his hand tighter against my pussy. His eyes widen in shock, and his expression softens somewhat.

“Go ahead and show me who I belong to, if that’s what you need,” I urge, knowing it’s what I want as well.

It must be the perfect thing to tell him because the intensity in his dark eyes ratchets down a notch. It doesn’t stop him from wrapping his hands around my hips to hoist me up and demanding, “Put your legs around my waist.” His gaze is so intense; I feel it in my soul.