“I think now that you know her history, you’ll stop with your little games. She’s not someone to just play with and toss away.”

A hand clamps down on my shoulder when I almost lunge at him

without thinking. Zee has remained quiet for most of the conversation, and he picks now to step out of the shadows. Bastard.

“Still can’t kill her dad,” he reminds me.

“Thad’s a bit in love with your wolf girl,” Dice says, back to being his annoying self. “He’s not playing with her in any way she isn’t enjoying.”

Normally, I’d groan or something, but right now, all I can think about it getting back to Roslyn.

“You love her?” Reese asks skeptically.

“I haven’t known her long enough to love her,” I say distractedly, hoping he just leaves so I can talk to Gage about the spell he wants to try and work.

I need to know all the side effects that it could possibly have—

“There’s a particular time frame required for love?” Dice asks in his cheeky, assholish way. “Pretty sure you love someone on some level when you’re willing to die for them. Fairly positive you love them if you’re threatening us about what you’ll do if she gets hurt. And I know you don’t look at her like a sister. Therefore, you don’t just love her; you’re in love, dumbass. And don’t forget about wanting to make her immortal using any bitten venom you could, just so you could keep her. Hashtag—wake up and smell the motherfucking coffee.”

That has me admittedly squirming in place, but Reese seems to have a ghost of a smile on his face.

“Then she’ll be safe here,” he says before heading up the stairs.

As soon as the door closes, Kimber speaks as though she’s been waiting on him to leave the soundproof room.

“Sadie is definitely the only one powerful enough to perform a spell like that,” she says with a scowl. “So what’s her angle?”

“Maybe she doesn’t have an angle,” Dice says, defensive of the evil bitch witch I want dead.

“She has one,” I say, agreeing with Kimber. “The sooner we figure it out, the better. Roslyn is powerful, if all he’s saying is true. Sadie could have very easily intended for that spell to go awry in order to get Roslyn away from Reese’s protection.”

“It makes sense, only she probably wasn’t planning on her staying so well hidden or having a stash of cash. It also makes sense why she found a roommate. She didn’t want to be alone.”

She never has to worry about that again.

“Still on a bloody witch hunt,” Dice says under his breath while heading up the stairs and away from the conversation. The second he’s gone, I turn my attention to Kimber and Gage.

“I think it’s time we stop risking Sadie. She’s a liability, and I feel like she’s tied to the rings. She’s tied to all of this. You were right about the spell to find the rings being too convenient. She’s playing with us, and I’ve never been a fan of games. Time to cut her out of the picture.”

“Completely with you,” Gage says in agreement.

“Same here,” Zee chimes in.

Kimber sighs hard as she seems to wage some internal war. Glad I don’t have the same useless morals as her. Threat equals something to kill.

“I’m in. But we can’t tell Mom or Alyssa. Hell, we can’t even tell Ella.”

Time to put together a hunting party. After I see Roslyn and keep her in the bed all night, of course.

“My girl is coming to the dark side,” Gage says with a half-cocked smile. “That’s hot, babe.”

The basement door slings open, crashing into the wall, and I spin around just as Reese’s red, furious face comes into view. Looks like Roslyn was still naked after all, and I’m about to have to fight.

Well, I only thought I wasn’t going to have to piss her off. At least she doesn’t know who he is right now.

“Where is she? She’s not upstairs, downstairs, or anywhere else in the house! What games are you playing?”

My blood runs cold, and my spine stiffens as small, invisible needles prickle my scalp. I don’t even bother answering as I barge by him, leaping up the stairs in one jump, and bursting through the door.