“Can I see her?” Reese asks, sounding so fucking weak. I’ve never heard him like this, and I suddenly feel like an ass.

“Yeah. But you’re not taking her to your pack. Even if she is strong enough to defend herself now. She doesn’t know she’s strong enough.”

“I’m not taking her. She’s much safer here as long as no one tells anyone what she is.”

“Will she know who you are? She said she didn’t know your name when I asked.” She lied to me?

I turn back around just as he starts to speak.

“No,” he says, a sadness to his tone. “I’m part of her fey life. All her memories of me will be cloaked. But she should be close to her immortality.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” I ask, already feeling a surge of excitement. Roslyn is mine for good.

“There’s… well, there’s something you should know. She has a little power on top of her already substantial power. And there’s a problem with the spell.”

Exchanging a look with everyone else, I cross my arms over my chest. I’ve had about all the surprises I can handle.

“Go on.”

“Roslyn can taste someone’s blood, and if she doesn’t kill them, she can always track them. I don’t know if her captors learned that or knew it already when they took her. I think they were watching her or something. How else could they have known what she was?”

She can track someone? She can track fey?

“That’s actually something we can use,” Gage points out. “She tasted the blood of Slade.”

No fucking way am I letting her near him again.

“How are they discovering they’re fey?” Dice asks, moving forward. “Karma and her sister were caught while still mortal. They knew what they were, and that should have been impossible. Reese took numerous precautions, yet they knew what she was.”

That has us all stumped.

“They have a visionary.” Kimber’s voice is so abrupt and unexpected, that even I jump a little.

She comes down the stairs, glancing around at us all. How long has she been listening?

“With the exception of you, visionaries are extinct,” Gage reminds her. “That power has been dead for so long.”

She blows out an annoyed breath while going to step into his arms. It just makes me want to get back to Roslyn. The feeling gnawing at my stomach isn’t pleasant, and I know it’s because she’s been out of my sight for too long.

Fucking whipped.

“It’s the only explanation, and it’s not like I’m a visionary anymore. Besides, whoever it is isn’t as powerful as I once was. I’ve definitely done my homework on my kind. Most visionaries get glimpses of something. They have to seek and search for what they want. Small clues get them there, but they can’t just find exactly what they’re looking for the very second they look for it.”

That’s the best bad news I’ve heard. Fucking eh.

“So they have a visionary, and they may or may not see us? Or what we’re doing? Or when we get close?” I ask in summarization.

“Yeah. They’ve been searching for various things for centuries. Mostly powerful beings, it seems,” Kimber says, looking over at Kane. “And they may or may not learn all of our secrets. Secrets we desperately need to keep from people like this.”

Recognition sparks in Kane’s eyes at the same time her underlying meaning hits me.

Alyssa has a powerful yet vulnerable baby growing in her womb. And these people are seeking major power. They take children, just like they took Kimber. Like they took Kya. Like Karma.


“I gotta go. Call me if you need me,” Kane says, disappearing immediately.

Reese looks confused, glancing around at all of us. “Something going on?”