I’ll kill them before they kill me.

Chapter 21


“Fucking hell. You’re Roslyn’s father?” Dice asks in disbelief.

Reese scowls at him, and Dice swallows audibly before glaring at me.

“Thanks for the fucking warning, you dick!”

I shrug, unconcerned with the incubus’s anger.

“Where are the girls?” I ask, noticing it’s nothing more than a sausage fest in here.

Kane, Zee, Reese, Dice and I are the only ones in here, and Reese could really use a break from all the testosterone. It’s making him too defensive, which means he’s ready to rip me to shreds.

I don’t think killing Roslyn’s father is the best way to her heart.

“Gage is helping out with what you requested. He said he needed some time and supplies. The rest are helping Alyssa get set up,” Kane says cryptically, telling me with his eyes that he doesn’t want to talk about it in front of the pissed off werewolf.

I always heard a girl’s father was a bitch to deal with.

Never thought I’d have to get on Reese’s good side. This definitely sucks.

“Why’d you risk a spell like that if you care about her so much?” I ask him.

A pile of clothes appear at Reese’s feet, and Kane crosses his arms over his chest. Sometimes I wish I had just a touch of magic to do shit like that.

With a glare at me, Reese starts tugging on the new threads.

“Because she was in hell when she broke out of that place.” The pain in his voice kills the anger in his eyes, and a sadness replaces it that I didn’t expect to see.

“What do you mean? What’d they do to her?” I demand, walking forward. “You told us she couldn’t remember anything when we questioned you about the rings.”

The weight of the world seems to be pushing him down when he finally slumps down to a chair in the corner. When he starts massaging his temples, I can’t help but notice the unshed tears in his eyes.

At least I feel less compelled to kill him now.

“She remembered everything, but she couldn’t talk. I had a witch take a look inside her mind to find what we needed to know. Unfortunately, I also asked her to link to me so I could see everything as she saw it. I wish I had never seen it. Now I can’t unsee it, and it’s painful.”

A lump forms in my throat, and I start questioning having Gage do that spell on her.

“Karma was in the rings for longer than Roslyn. She had a rough time, but she survived without a spell that split her apart from her fey half,” Kane says, sounding pissed. “Do you have any idea how dangerous you made her? If she doesn’t kill someone, she gets killed. Her survival instincts are all animal when she’s in form. She has no control at all.”

Reese groans while pinching the bridge of his nose. “That wasn’t intended. The spell went awry. It was too powerful, but I was desperate to save my daughter from the things haunting her mind. They were so fucking brutal to her.”

I’m not sure I want to hear. Hell, I don’t know if I can hear it without my beasts taking over, but I have to.

“Start at the beginning. We need to know who she is before we decide what to do,” Kane says.

A growl comes from my throat at the same time one comes from Reese’s, and we both glare at Kane like we’re plotting the same violence. Kane rolls his eyes.

“I mean if we can lift the memory spell or not. She can’t go on like this.”

My hackles go down, and Reese seems to calm as well.

“You want the beginning?” he asks, looking between us. “Then I’ll start at the beginning.”