“Fuck,” he groans, still clutching my leg in his hand as he buries his face in my neck.

His breaths are as shaky as mine, and I feel a tickle with every exhalation of his.

“I was going to say wow,” I mumble, hoping that sounded clearer to him than it did to me. “But fuck works, too.”

His throaty chuckle vibrates against my throat, and the hand on my leg starts roaming up my body, gingerly tracing imaginary lines on my skin.

“Definitely worth the wait. But I only plan on waiting a few minutes for the next time. Hope you’re rested, sweet girl. It’s going to be a long day and even longer night.”

He makes it sound like a threat, but it’s absolutely the most encouraged threat in the world.

His head lifts seconds before his lips are on mine, and I melt against him as he kisses me leisurely. It’s not wild and out of control this time. For once, it’s tame, sensual, and just as amazing.

“Thad,” Zee groans, banging against the door as though he knows we’re finished.

“Fuck off,” Thad mumbles, not bothering to tear his lips away from mine completely.

“Wish I could. Swear, dude. I was just joking about cock-blocking you. Get out here.”

“What the hell could be so important that someone else can’t handle it?” Thad asks, his jaw ticking like he’s pissed off.

“Reese is here,” Zee says. Thad tenses immediately, and his grip on me gets tighter as he pulls me closer. “And I think you know what he’s here for.”

“Motherfucker,” Thad says under his breath. “I’ll be right there. Do not let him up here.”

Zee snorts derisively. “Yeah. I’m not that stupid. But I think your theory was right, given how he’s acting. Meet you downstairs. Basement. Hurry. He’s pissed.”

Chapter 19


“I’ll be back in a few minutes. An hour at most,” I tell her, already internally cursing Reese for his stupid fucking timing. “And we’ll pick up where we left off.”

She doesn’t exactly look too thrilled with that, and I feel her pain. There’s nothing I’d rather do than to curl up with her for hours, taking her in ways I’ve been fantasizing about since I met her in that damn bar.

“Okay,” she says after a beat, tugging the sheet over her bare body.

“Get dressed just in case someone was to come up here. I really, really don’t want anyone seeing you like that.”

I bite my knuckle when she gives me that small, shy grin and blushes so adorably. She was just making sounds to wake the dead, and yet now she’s blushing.

And I love it.

Leaning over, my fingers disappear into the strands of her hair as I pull her closer to me. The second our lips touch, I almost decide to tell Reese to fuck off.

But Zee’s annoying voice comes through the door. “Put it away, Thad. We really need to deal with this, and we need you for that, considering you have the most at stake here.”

Blowing out an irritated breath, I look down into those violet eyes that hide so much power and so much truth. The truth is even hidden from her.

“I’ll see you in a bit,” I tell her again, brushing my lips against hers one more time.

Great. I’m exactly what I’ve always mocked Kane for being—fucking whipped. Can’t even tear myself away for a very important meeting.

After grabbing my jeans, I start stabbing my legs in, hurriedly dressing before I cave to temptation. I try not to even look at Roslyn, because I know I’ll end up touching her again.

“Anything to say, sweet girl?” I ask while tugging my shirt over my head, getting a little worried about her silence.

“Yeah,” she says softly. “Hurry.”