Karma is a little… odd. And that’s putting it mildly. She keeps staring at me as though she’s confused or fascinated, but she’s not sure which.

“I just don’t get it,” she whispers to Kimber. “I should be able to see something.”

Kimber glares at her, saying something silently with those intense eyes. Whatever it is, Karma seems to heed the meaning and shifts the subject.

Maybe they’re both a little weird.

“So you and Thad are cool?” Karma asks randomly, her eyes darting to me and away from me in rapid sequence.

“Um… Yeah. What about the question I asked? Why do I have to stay here?”

I really don’t want to stay here. It’s way too uncomfortable. Surely Thad isn’t serious. Speaking of Thad… Where the hell is he?

Kimber and Karma give each other those eyes again, as though they’re talking without words or just stumped as to what to say. I sit down on the edge of the massive bed, tucking my hands under my legs as I try to wait patiently on them to answer.

“Because I want you here.” Thad’s voice has my head snapping toward the door, where he’s leaned against the jamb, looking all the shades of sexy that distract me normally.

But not right now. I’m starting to get a little freaked out about this intrusive… captive situation.

“I sort of need a better reason than that,” I point out.

Why does he want the crazy girl who managed to pass out and sleep for as long as I did?

He smirks as though he feels challenged, and he pushes off from the doorway to slowly stalk toward me with that predatory prowess that actually does distract me. Damn him.

“The last time I let you out of my sight, you woke up naked in a motel. Considering I’ve barely gotten to appreciate your bare body, I’d rather no one else get a chance to look at what’s mine.”

A small spurt of laughter has me jerking my head back toward the doorway where some guy in too much leather is eyeing Thad like there’s a private joke somewhere in there.

“So now you’re against public nudity? Wish you had thought about that when your junk was cradling my girl’s head.”

The hell?

My temper flares as jealousy sets in without warning, and I hear Thad curse when a ripping sound resonates in my ears.

“Fuck. Sorry. My bad. He was… It’s really a long, innocent story,” the guy stutters.

“Yeah,” Karma quickly adds, her eyes wide and fearful for some reason. “I was knocked out from… too much alcohol. And, um, Thad was in the backseat after… um… skinny dipping. The guys stole his clothes as a prank. He… um… they just threw me in the car. It was totally innocent.”

More ripping sounds emerge, and it takes a second to realize my nails are slicing through the bedding that I’m clutching with a white-knuckle grip. But if I let go, I’m afraid I’ll do something stupid.

The heat crawls up my neck as they trip over themselves to explain their twisted words. My chest rises and falls rapidly as I fight the urge to pass out. Did he tell them about my problem? Is that why they’re acting so weird right now?

Lips pressing against mine snap me out of my inner reverie, and Thad pushes me back onto the bed as he kisses me harder, devouring me as though he’s starving. He always seems to be starving with me.

My anger melts away as my hands lift to his hair, threading through the strands as I pull him closer. The click of the door shutting and exhales of relief don’t have time to fully register before he’s slowly pushing my shirt over my head.

“Fuck waiting,” he says against my lips. His eyes are so close to mine that they’re almost one big blur, but I still stare into them, or try to. “I’m sick of every-damn-thing happening, and obviously there’s not going to be a moment of peace. Time to make you mine. To hell with the rest of the world right now.”

Warning bells go off once again, and like the idiot I am, I ignore them like always. Something about Thad… I love how out of control he seems when he’s with me. It’s a savage sort of connection that I’m slightly addicted to.

Addicted enough to ignore all the weird shit I’ve faced since meeting him.

He leans up far enough so that I can clearly see both of his eyes, and he uses those honey eyes to hold me captive.

“Tell me stop now, or don’t tell me at all.”

His voice is almost desperate, but this time I listen to the warning bells.