But I’m going to love getting to know the real Roslyn.

“Wait,” Roslyn says, her eyes sparking with recognition. “You’re Alyssa Ice—the one I bought the house from.”

Alyssa nods before handing her a change of clothes. Well damn. I wanted to keep her in the sheet. It’d be easier to strip off once Alyssa is done restoring her to normal. And I will be stripping it off her by then.

“I am,” Alyssa tells her as Roslyn accepts the clothes.

“I have clothes at my house,” Roslyn says sheepishly, looking down as she scoots even closer against me. I hope she continues to do that even after she knows who she is.

“You can wear those until you have your own,” Alyssa says with her soft smile.

Roslyn clutches them against her, eyeing Alyssa then looking down. Roslyn’s hips are a little bigger, but I’m sure Alyssa has already made sure they fit her perfectly—magic is a great thing.

She looks up at me with those oddly violet eyes—eyes a shade darker than that of a black widow. She’s unique in every possible way.

“There’s a room upstairs on the left. Use it,” I tell her, kissing her forehead softly before she leans back.

She seems hesitant, but she finally moves toward the stairs, and I motion with my head for Alyssa to follow me outside of the soundproof glass.

“Kimber will be up there. She’ll get you something to drink. I just need to speak with Thad about some work stuff,” Alyssa calls out.

Roslyn’s voice is muffled, but we hear her say something that resembles an okay and a thank you.

“I take it her hearing is amped up?” Alyssa asks me as we shut the door.

“Yeah. I think that’s why she ran last night, even though she thinks it was all a dream. I didn’t put that together until after I figured out who she really was. She’s strong, so it’d make sense that she could hear almost as well as us. Ella okay?”

It was the middle of the night when we got the text saying Ella was back. Zee stayed out with me even though I could tell he was worried about her. I sure as hell owe him one, especially since he’s scrubbing the video footage and memories of everyone back at the motel.

Really hope he doesn’t accidentally fry someone’s brain or something. He’s pretty new to his powers still.

“She’s sleeping it off. She was still on a high when she got here, but she was herself. Slade—which is apparently this creature god’s name—took care of her, yet he tried to kill Roslyn. Of the two, Ella is a greater threat. So why go after Roslyn and save my daughter?”

Staring out over the lake, I shrug.

“I don’t know, but he sure as hell won’t be killing her now that I have her. She won’t be out of my protection again.”

For some reason, I can actually hear her lips tug in a smirk.

“I guess that means I win this battle. I never wanted the werewolf hybrid or the anointed dead. One out of two isn’t so bad. Especially not within this outfit.”

Rolling my eyes, I decide to let her think she had something to do with this win. No one is touching her because she’s mine. Otherwise, she’d already be dead. Then again, it makes me wonder if maybe I shouldn’t listen to Alyssa more often.

Dice’s car rolls up, and he hops out of the driver’s seat, looking more pissed off than I’ve ever seen him. Karma, however, seems to be fighting really damn hard not to laugh.

“I said I was sorry!” Karma says, half laughing even though she’s still trying to sound serious.

“Sorry isn’t good enough, woman! I’m scarred for life. You’ve ruined something very precious to me. I could starve to death. You know that, right? You’ve broken me!”

That has my attention, even though I have much bigger things to worry about.

“What’s going on?” Alyssa asks as Karma doubles over and tries to catch her breath, still shaking from silent laughter.

“What’s going on is my cruel girlfriend has a sick sense of humor, and she’s reveling in my pain. I’m no masochist. I won’t tolerate this shit!” Dice snaps, walking toward us in an all-leather ensemble that truly does look ridiculous. I mean, leather’s not as cool as it used to be.

Karma steadies herself, and Dice glares over his shoulder at her, warning her with his eyes not to speak. Obviously Karma doesn’t listen.

“We had a little incident, and Dice is struggling to get over it.”