A hand clamps down on his shoulder, interrupting him, and my eyes dart up to widen in disbelief at the familiar face smirking at me.

Zee—Thad’s friend. Oh no. Could this get any worse?

“He was just thinking he needs to get on to work so that he can support his wife and… two or three kids?”

He eyes the guy expectantly, who seems to tremble as he meets Zee’s gaze.

“Two,” the guy whispers before practically sprinting away.

“You’re a hard one to find,” Zee says, still seeming all too amused as he glances down at my strange morning attire.

Nope. Can’t get any worse.

“You got this?” Zee asks, looking over my shoulder, and my blood runs a little cold.

“Oh, I definitely got this,” an overly familiar voice drawls, sounding equally amused from behind me.

I was wrong. It just got worse. A lot worse.

Slowly, with even more dread than I had before coming into the store, I turn to face the taunting grin of Thad. And of course he looks amazing. And I’m still in a sheet with fucked-up hair and no makeup. Oh, and I’m on my tiptoes because I’m barefoot and this floor is gross.

His arms are crossed over his chest as he leans against the coolers, watching me and waiting expectantly. How am I supposed to explain this?

“Nice toga, sweet girl,” he says with that same cocky grin, as though this is all so completely normal.

My crazy is exposed, people are still staring, and I’m on the verge of tears because this is so mortifying.

“I… um… How did you…”

I give up. I can’t formulate a good sentence right now, and every word spoken puts me closer to a tear falling.

“I got worried after you took off on me. What happened?”

I notice the way he tenses, and I look around, still acutely aware of how everyone’s gaze is curiously searching me.

“Can we not do this here?”

He nods before looking over and down the aisle where Zee has wandered off to.

“Take her car, and pay for her drink. We’re out.”

He takes the bottle of water from my hand and tosses it to Zee, who catches it without even looking. Then he takes my hand, guiding us out of the store. I hiss out a breath when my feet hit the hot pavement, but Thad is suddenly scooping me up, careful to keep my sheet firmly wrapped around me.

The eyes don’t bother me so much when he kisses my forehead, moving us toward a black Hummer. I don’t even ask whose car it is before he gingerly places me in the passenger seat.

As soon as he’s behind the wheel, the engine roars to life, and he drives us away from all the prying eyes of the public.

“Sorry,” I mumble, wishing I could remember what really happened instead of the insanity that my dreams have put in my head.

“For?” he asks, even though he seems as tense as I feel.

“I guess… I must have passed out at the party last night… when that Amy chick pissed me off. I… sometimes… well, it’s embarrassing, but people have told me it’s like I’m still there, but I’m suddenly freaky. So… yeah. I don’t remember anything after that part.”

At least anything that isn’t lined with total and complete craziness.

“The party? Last night?” he asks, confused.

“Yeah… So whatever I said… Look, I don’t know how to explain it, and I completely get it if this is too weird for you. But I passed out, had crazy dreams, and woke up naked in a motel room.”