“Roslyn’s stuff is still at her house, including her phone. She didn’t bring anything last night since we were going to a party. And by the way, I forgot to mention that she still remembered Alex.”

Gage leans up, putting his head between me and Zee from the back of the SUV.

“Impossible. I wiped her memory up to the moment she got to the party. She would barely remember walking in.”

“Yeah, well, it caught me off guard too. But she remembered Jenny leaving with Alex. I kept waiting for her to say something else to allude to how much she remembered. She never did, but she seemed incredibly off. Any reason your dusting shit wouldn’t work?”

I glance over to see him studying the vacant air while he thinks about it.

“No. Hell, my shit works on fey, too. I don’t know about it working on anoin—”

“Don’t go there,” I growl.

“Why do your eyes look browner today than they did yesterday?” I hear Karma asking randomly, interrupting our conversation.

“Point of fact,” the incubus says, “our human eye color actually changes over the years at different rates based on the individual. For instance, Kane’s human eyes were solid green when he met Alyssa. Now they have a bluish hue to them. Eventually they’ll be human blue. It happens.”

Fucking random. Fucking inquisitive, new immortal demon/hybrid. I have more important things to worry about than freaking eye color.

“No way,” Karma groans, not trusting her jackass boyfriend who always spews bullshit.


true,” Zee says, getting in on the conversation.

“Really?” Karma asks, sounding excited. “Why?”

“Who fucking cares?” Gage and I ask in unison.

“Just trying to stop you two from fighting. Again,” Karma mumbles under her breath.

Gage rolls his eyes just as I do. That’s what we do—fight. It’s just how we communicate.

“Hey,” Zee says, squinting into the distance. “What kind of car does Jenny have?”

I squint, but I can’t see anything ahead of me other than an endless row of forestry.

“Fuck if I know,” I mumble. “Why?”

Before he can answer, something explodes off to our right, and I screech to a halt as red, blue and white collide, blasting up into the air and thundering in power like it’s the fourth of July or some shit.

I leap out of the car when I see ungodly white light burning inside the middle of the forest, too bright to be cloaked by the trees.

“Fuck! Ella!” Zee shouts, running with me as we all crash through the woods, racing toward the point of origin.

Ella’s the only one to ever have power that white and that powerful. And I have a bad feeling Ella isn’t the one in control anymore.

“Careful!” Gage yells close behind us. “She could kill us all if she’s lost it!”

Kimber appears in front of me, then disappears into another portal just as Gage dematerializes. My feet pound the ground as I run faster, pushing my body to its limits as I hurdle over fallen trees and turn everything into a blur around me.

I stumble to a halt when I see a girl with black hair that should be blonde. Son of a fucking bitch.

“Probably shouldn’t have left her alone,” Dice whispers.

Roslyn is on the ground, seeming to be hyperventilating. Her eyes are dilating wildly as she stares at the brutal onslaught of blue and white power colliding.

Kya is on the ground, her mask broken and revealing her face. She’s clutching her side as though Ella has already gotten to her. Karma gasps when she sees her, and dematerializes to go to her side.