“They definitely think she’s the anointed, but obviously she’s pretty fucking human. Her nails are bleeding from trying to claw her way to freedom,” Gage says quietly as I shut the door behind me. “The fact that she fought him and didn’t make a dent proves she’s not our werewolf/witch either. She could have shredded him if she was.”

Obviously he overheard what Roslyn just shared with me. I don’t want to believe she’s fully human, yet unable to be changed. But I’m relieved as fuck that she’s not the werewolf/witch. Then again, I never believed for a moment that she was.

“I thought Reese already confirmed it wasn’t her. Didn’t you send him a pic?” Dice drawls, kicking back on my couch with Karma on his lap.

“He said it wasn’t her. Didn’t know if we could trust Reese or not with that,” Gage points out. “Now about her being anointed? I don’t know. I’ve read some books about how one has to keep living in order for the weapons to keep their power. The weapons still have power—we tested them this morning—so that means another is alive. Roslyn is immune to being changed. I don’t know how their bloodlines work, but it’d make sense if they were immune to bitten fey.”

No. Hell fucking no. No way is she an anointed.

“Wendy was strong,” I remind him. “She took me on, and I took an ass-kicking. Albeit she caught me by surprise, but she was still hella strong. Roslyn isn’t.”

He frowns as though that’s bad news. I’m relieved to think of it.

“Maybe they have to be activated. There was one book that said something about needing to see a fey in changed form before they get their powers. Wendy had that amulet that enabled her to see through our human façade. I’ve been reading her books all night long.”

Not wanting to let them continue thinking Roslyn is a fucking fey slayer, I decide to shift the subject.

“Feel like going hunting?” I ask him.

“For who?” Ella asks, even though I can tell she already knows.

I just stare at her, waiting for her to get to the point.

“I think he’s the one who saved me,” she says on a sigh. “I don’t want him killed. Maybe he has a reason for attacking—”

“I wouldn’t finish that sentence if I were you,” I interrupt, glaring at her now.

She immediately slinks back, forgetting that she’s the bigger threat here. “Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I just feel like I owe him the chance to explain himself.”

Karma sits up, apparently confused by something.

“You said you saw them first when you were in the woods? He with a girl?” Her question seems directed at Gage, so I let him answer.

“Yeah. Both of them were in masks. His tats on his hands were the same. I remember them—slave marks.”

So we freed this son of a bitch. Great. It seems we did more harm than good when we tried to fucking save everyone stuck in the slave rings.

“And this is the same guy you think saved you?” Karma asks Ella. “The same guy you thought was living with Kya?”

“Your sister?” Dice asks as Ella’s eyes widen in realization.

So the girl in the woods was Karma’s sister. Fucking perfect. The girl is so twisted up from what they did to her in the rings that she won’t even have anything to do with her twin sister.

“Get that look out of your eyes,” Karma growls at me. “She’s my sister. If they’re after her, there’s a reason. Then again, my sister might not even know what’s going on with this freak.”

I don’t give a fuck whose sister she is if she’s after Roslyn.

“Remember that you’re the one who wanted the anointed killed,” Dice reminds me.

“Your girlfriend said she was human.”

“I don’t know how to look for an anointed. They are technically human,” Karma says, still glaring at me.

“Fuck this,” I grumble, walking over to Ella. “Stay here. Gage has put a spell on my house. I’m dark and he’s dark, so it’ll keep this place safe. Keep her safe until I get back.”

Ella starts to speak, but then she sighs in defeat. She knows Kane is on his way, and he’d agree with me if I called him right now. She doesn’t need to be anywhere around this guy if she’s feeling some sort of loyalty to the prick.
