“Why did she freeze up when she stabbed Roslyn?” I ask, touching her face. “She would have known if she was fey, too. Right?”

That had to be why she stabbed her. Maybe I just didn’t see the poison. Wendy was dead before I realized Roslyn was hurt.

I really hope I’m not being too hopeful.

“She’s fey?” Chaz asks incredulously. “Because the only way she would have frozen up was if she thought she killed a human. It’s ingrained in their blood to be protective of the human race. It would definitely freak her out if she murdered an innocent—innocent by her standards—person.”

None of this is making sense.

“Hashtag—what the fuck is going on?” Dice’s loud, obnoxious voice draws my attention, and I look over just as he and Karma stroll inside.

“That’s a terrible hashtag,” Ella points out, groaning at the leather-wearing incubus.

“It’s all I could come up with at the moment. You said you needed Karma, so here we are.”

Karma walks in a little farther, scanning Roslyn with a wary eye. “Well, I can see her soul. It’s pretty damn pure. I don’t think she’s your coldblooded killer. But I need to look into her eyes to see if she’s fey.”

Her eyes warily gauge Chaz, as though she’s leery of him for some reason. I thought she had moved past all her apprehensions of him. They were starting to be friends until the murders.

He glares at her, and she cuts their gaze off immediately. Chaz is a duster. In short, he’s a motherfucking fairy. Don’t call him that shit, because he’s a mean fairy when you do. But he’s definitely nothing for her to be so freaked out around.

Ella is a damn creature goddess, and Karma doesn’t seem the least bit afraid of her. And she should be. Ella doesn’t have control over herself yet. But she only seems to fear the damn fairy.

So weird.

Now that Roslyn isn’t bleeding to death, my instincts seem to be calmer, and I don’t flinch when Karma touches Roslyn’s eyelid, pulling it up to peer into her eye. She frowns, which is an expression I don’t like right now.

“What is it?” I snap, growing impatient. “What is she?”

She gives us all a quizzical look. “She’s human. Why are you all freaking out and thinking she’s something more?”

I don’t know if I’m relieved or pissed. Pissed. Definitely pissed. I want her to be immortal, but she rejected Sierra’s venom. Unless that bitch is lying. She and Amy are best friends, so Sierra could have just been playing me.

“Sierra’s venom allegedly didn’t work,” I growl, glaring at the lycan who growls at me like she feels challenged.

Zee’s the only one from Kane’s crew that I’ve ever really liked. I wish he’d dump all the rest.

“I used my venom. I don’t know why it didn’t take.” Her eyes flash orange, and I feel mine shift to yellow.

“Hashtag—freaky eye war. Put that shit away,” Dice groans. “There has to be another explanation.”

“Thad forgot to mention she healed off his blood quicker than any immortal I’ve ever heard of. Witch blood is the only thing I know of that is that strong. And Thad isn’t a witch, so his blood shouldn’t have those healing properties,” Sierra says through clenched teeth.

As they continue trying to explain the unexplainable, I resume studying Roslyn. I almost got her killed. If s

he can’t take the venom for whatever reason, then… I won’t be able to keep her. Our world is too dangerous.

“Try it, Zee,” I say, looking over at him.

He mutters something too low for me to hear, but takes a deep breath before saying, “Fine. But if she’s bonded to me and gets all doe-eyed on me, you can’t come after me. And someone is going to have to help me break the bonds, because the second I sire her, I’ll feel possessive of her. It’s instinct—not choice. Got it?”

My jaw ticks, and I fight the urge to shift again. I honestly don’t know how I’ll react if Roslyn gets mind-fucked and thinks she’s in love.

“Just do it,” I finally say through clenched teeth.

“Damn it, Thad,” Ella gripes. “Don’t. She’s fine now. There’s no need to change her. It should be her choice. This is wrong. You need to be better than this. She deserves better from you. She thinks you’re a prince and you’re acting like a beast right now. You’ll regret this.”

I turn and glare at her, wishing she’d wake the hell up and take a look around.