“Get the fuck out!”

Kimber’s suppressed laughter sneaks out from somewhere under him as I grin daringly at the cock-blocker who is now being cock-blocked.

“Hell no. You wanted me here; now I’m here. And I need to speak to everyone.”

Zee walks in, his eyes zeroing in on Gage, and he bursts out laughing as Gage curses under his breath. He dematerializes, taking Kimber with him, and he rematerializes almost immediately with both of them wearing clothes.

Kimber’s hair is definitely just-fucked, and Gage looks like he wants to rip me in half. After interrupting me earlier, I know the feeling.

“Told you he’d pay you back for that shit,” Kimber says, mocking Gage who grumbles something too low for even me to hear as he jerks her against him.

“What’s going on?” Chaz asks with a knowing grin as he walks in.

Gage rolls his eyes while sitting down on the edge of the bed, drawing Kimber into his lap. Ella walks in next, shutting the door behind her. Kane and Alyssa can’t be here. It’s too risky to have them around this many people. Dice and Karma haven’t returned from trying to locate Dice’s mother’s lover.

“Ah, shit,” Ella groans, wrinkling her nose as she goes to lean against Chaz. “It smells like sex in here. I’m crashing with you tonight, Thad.”

I crack my neck to the side. “Probably don’t want to be with me tonight. I’m going to finish what Gage interrupted.”

Ella looks between me and Gage, then she bursts out laughing. “Ah, so that’s why Gage looks like he’s ready to kill you. Payback’s a bitch.”

Kimber laughs with Ella, as Gage mutters something about neutering me.

Dick. That’s so dramatic.

The door opens, allowing room for Sierra and Deke to come in. Amy doesn’t join us, because we still don’t know or trust her night stalker enough to bring him in on the important meetings. And she’s more loyal to him than us, so she never comes to the meetings he can’t attend unless Kane makes her.

Not to mention, Amy is out scouting the woods with her night stalker right now. It’s better. She’s not here to object to what I need Sierra to do.

“Is this something we need to call Dice in on?” Ella asks, hopping up to sit on top of her dresser.

Chaz leans back against her, and she props up on him. Most people would confuse their closeness as something romantic.

“Probably,” I say with a sigh. “He might have some insight. But don’t call Kane or Alyssa.”

That gathers a few suspicious eyebrow raises.

Alyssa could order me not to do what I want to, and I honestly don’t think I’d listen to her. I start scratching my arm, feeling the beasts trying to escape and get back to Roslyn. This is really annoying.

“What’s wrong with you?” Kimber asks as Gage dials the incubus.

“I’m losing my damn leash,” I growl, feeling more frustrated by the second. “I feel like a newbie all over again. I swear my beasts are trying to claw their way out of me right now.”

“Sex was that good?” Deke asks, a taunting smile in his voice.

I really hate night stalkers.

I glare at Gage instead of the smartass night stalker, though. “There hasn’t been any sex yet.”

“Hashtag—Thad’s having performance issues.” Dice’s voice draws everyone’s attention to the phone in Gage’s hand, and I roll my eyes. Why did I think he’d be helpful?

Gage looks all too amused and cocky right now. Bastard.

“Not performance issues, jackass.” I take a breath, trying to calm down. “I’m fairly sure purgatory has unleashed the mating shit again. It’s the only way I can explain it. It seems to only be getting worse by the day”

Sierra steps up, her head already shaking in objection, while Gage pales.

“No. Lycans and a few others have ‘mates’ but not changers,” she says thoughtfully.