I whimper, moan, and… growl? Did I really just growl?

It only seems to fuel him, and I hear the distinct sound of material ripping seconds before I feel air rush against newly revealed skin. His body heat swarms me as he thrusts against me. The only thing separating his hard, huge erection from finding out how truly ready I am for him is the thin boxers he has on.

A low rumbling, sexy sound vibrates from his chest and eases into my mouth as his tongue does wickedly wonderful things. My legs lock around him, practically inviting him in as I lose all control.

More heat swarms me, and Thad gets more aggressive, his sounds turning almost animalistic as he rips—yes, rips—my shirt down the middle, severing it from my body with nothing more than a small tug of his hand. For some reason, the need to feel him inside me only grows with that instead of slapping me with a warning.

He reaches between us, pushing his boxers down, and I don’t protest when I feel the tip of his—

“Thad, I—Oh shit!” a man says, laughter echoing through the room from behind Thad.

My blood freezes, and I squeal as Thad drops to my body, covering me as he glares over his shoulder at the laughing jerk who just interrupted.

“The fuck?” Thad growls.

More laughter sounds out. “Sorry. Everyone was worried since you’re never late, and you’re late.”

Thad glances at the clock and rolls his eyes. “We’re about to leave,” he grumbles.

I swallow hard, happy that he’s still shielding me from the eyes of whoe

ver the familiar voice belongs to. But at the same time, I’m silently questioning my sanity. I went from almost telling him to stop, to essentially begging him to not stop.

“Looks that way,” the guy drawls, sarcasm oozing from his tone.

Thad, for once, doesn’t seem amused.

“Gage, five seconds is all you have to walk away before I get pissed.”

His jaw ticks, and silence suddenly fills the room.

“Dude, you need to chill before showing up. The hell is wrong with you?”

Thad swallows, and his head turns as his eyes flick down to mine before turning back to Gage.

“I’ll talk to you later. We’ll be there soon.”

Gage must walk out, even though I never hear the doors opening or closing. I’m every color of red there is, and I really don’t want to face that party now. Gage will probably tell everyone what we were about to do.

Thad’s eyes find mine once again, and he lets out a frustrated sigh while slowly moving away from me. Immediately my eyes fall down to the part of him that was almost inside me. But he covers it with his boxers as he stands.

And his shirt is still on. Why that irritates me, I don’t know.

“I guess we really should go,” he says, not sounding the least bit happy about it.

I glance down at the fact I’m naked, except for the scraps of material of my shirt that are still on my arms and back. His gaze heats, contradicting his resolve, and I wrap up in his sheet to hide myself.

Why do I feel like I’m burning up right now? I usually only feel this hot when I’m pissed because my blood pressure goes haywire. I guess lust can cause that issue, too, but it never has before.

Shit. What if I have one of my blackouts just because things in the bedroom get heated?

Double shit.

“You okay?” he asks, prompting me to look up again. He’s studying me with concern in his eyes, meaning my worry must be clearly etched on my face.

With a smile I don’t feel, I cock my head to the side. “Just a little embarrassed that your friend almost walked in on us… um…”

My voice trails off, and Thad’s face is transformed by an instant grin.