He grins before dipping his head, moving in as though he’s going to kiss me, but I panic and take a step back, narrowly dodging his far too tempting lips.

“Easy, sweet girl. I wasn’t going to devour you or anything,” he says, still smiling. His confidence is astounding, and I wish I had an ounce of it. Why did I move away from him?

Instead of making another attempt to kiss me, he winks at me and walks out, grabbing a shirt off the dresser before leaving my sight. I drop to his very, incredibly, amazingly comfortable bed, somehow managing not to spill a drop of my drink.

Oh damn. I never want to move off this bed; it feels that good.

“You must have the magic touch,” Ella says as she walks into the room, hopping on the bed and settling in as though we’re old friends.

“Um… huh?”

She grins widely. “Thad is a tiny bit obsessed. The party tomorrow night should be interesting, considering he has never brought a date to one before—at least not since I’ve known him.”

Her eyes are full of excitement—genuine excitement. Apparently she and Thad are really good friends, which is hard to believe, considering how she looks. She might as well be a walking fantasy for men.

“He’s nice,” I mumble, feeling as though I should say something.

“Who’s nice?” a blonde girl asks as she walks in, looking just as strikingly gorgeous as Ella. Damn. But this one I remember—Kimber. She’s Gage’s girlfriend.

“Thad,” Ella drawls, leaning back on her hands as she looks over at the new model in the house.

I never even heard the door open or close. Is Thad gone? They must live close if Kimber is already here.

“Thad is nice?” Kimber asks, seeming far too amused. “People usually have a list of other ways to describe him. Nice isn’t on there unless you’ve known him for a while.”

This is not a fun conversation.

“Can I ask you something?” I look between the two of them, waiting for an answer.

“Sure,” Kimber answers.

“Why the hell is everyone in your group so freaking hot?”



The sun is pouring through the room, and I stretch, waiting to touch the edge of my small bed, but all I keep finding is more brilliantly soft bed. My eyes fling open, and I groan. How did I fall asleep here?

Glancing around, I notice there’s no sign that Thad has been back, and I relax slightly. But then I see a green lizard curled up beside me, and I jerk in the bed. Its head lifts, and I swear it smiles at me.

Relaxing, I stare at it, and find myself smiling back. Then, of course, I roll my eyes. Have I really become such a loner that I’m smiling at lizards now?

The lizard scurries off the bed, and I lose track of it. Dropping off the heavenly mattress, I get on my hands and knees and start searching, looking under bed to see if I can find it.

“Now that’s what I like to see first thing in the morning.” Thad’s voice has me jerking back, and I slam into the nightstand, popping my head against it as my eyes scour the room.

Leaning against the doorjamb, the shirtless masterpiece is watching me with an amused grin and his arms crossed over his chest.

“There was a lizard in the bed with me,” I say quickly, but immediately cringe because of how random that sounds.

He doesn’t look surprised, but he pushes off the frame and heads toward me, putting his hand in front of me to help me up.

“Lucky lizard,” he says, his damn cheeky grin displayed proudly. “And what do you plan to do when you find him?”

“First of all,” I say, taking his hand and ignoring the electrical charge of his touch as he helps me up, “it could be a girl lizard. But I just want to put he or she back outside. Wild things don’t need to be trapped in houses.”

He grins larger, brushing a piece of hair off my cheek. “Is that so? I think I like you just a little more now.”