He’s leaning against one of the columns of his house, his gaze heavily weighing on me.

“Hi,” I say lamely.

“Come in and have a drink with me.”

He nods his head toward his house, tempting me with his eyes, his smile, and his unnaturally perfect body. It’s almost annoying at how flawless he is.

“Yeah. Sure,” I say before I can talk myself out of it.

His grin only grows as he backs up, letting me walk in, and he f

ollows me. But I stumble to an abrupt halt when a strikingly gorgeous blonde walks in from a back room, buttoning up a shirt as she comes toward us—a guy’s shirt.

“Oh, hi,” she says, her eyes wide in surprise.

“Um…” Yeah… that’s all I can manage. I’m not sure what he’s into, but I’m definitely not his type. “I actually forgot that I have a lot of homework,” I lie, turning to escape but slamming right into the hard body of the very kinky guy that is too much for me to handle.

“No you don’t. You see a girl in my shirt, and your mind immediately goes to the wrong place,” Thad says, grinning down at me with a mocking hue to his honey-colored eyes.

“I really do have homework,” I stammer, trying to go around him, but he wraps two very strong arms around me, and my knees buckle. It’s as though his touch is electric and lava at the same time.

He drops to his couch, pulling me with him, and the girl cocks an amused eyebrow. I really need to get out of here, even if he does feel like heaven when he’s pressed against me.

“Ella, this is Roslyn. Roslyn, this is Ella. For all intents and purposes, Ella is my sister. Or I’m her uncle. Or… anyway, she’s family.”

Her hair is windblown, she’s obviously not wearing anything more than his shirt, and she looks like she just stepped out of a man’s-dream-girl catalogue. Family doesn’t look as though they’ve just had wild sex with each other, and they sure as hell don’t look as phenomenal as they both do. Or half-dressed.

“I really should—”

“Drinks?” A male voice from the kitchen draws my attention just as the guy steps into view.

Tattoos ride up his bare arms and slither across his chest until they break apart in the middle. His dark hair is spiky and styled in a short faux hawk that has red tips. He looks vaguely familiar.

Ella goes to his side, hugging him, and he leans down and kisses her head. Are they together?

“How did you do that? I didn’t think we could do stuff… for long periods of time,” she says, confusing me. “And it was like that yesterday, too.”

She runs her hand over the tips of his hair, playing with the red ends. They’re definitely familiar with each other, but they don’t really seem… sexual with each other.

“Learned a few tricks with the new juice. Apparently it works differently.”

I actually sag in relief when he drops his arm around her shoulders and steers her toward the kitchen with him. At least she’s not in view anymore.

“Make us something, Zee,” Thad says.

Zee… Oh. That’s the guy Jenny originally wanted.

“Coming up,” he calls back.

Thad leans over, pulling me closer to him, and I try to ignore my usual flight response.

“You smell so damn good,” he says, bending over—way over—and nuzzling my cheek with his face.

That has me smiling.

“So you’re not… um… with her?” I ask, needing to be certain.

“Hell no. I’m friends with her family. In fact, you know her… sister. Alyssa Ice.”