“Any word on what we’re looking for?” I ask him, shifting the topic before we skip to painting nails and braiding hair.

He shakes his head, his serious face returning. “Some of the bodies are mauled, some of them are just drained—which definitely points to blood drinkers.” He pauses to eye me, and I shrug. I don’t drain anyone dry—anymore. “And there are numerous reports of missing immortals from this area, by the way,” he adds.

Always something.

“Don’t we have enough shit to worry about?” I ask rhetorically.

Gage glances out the window, and he smirks before backing away, staying out of view of the front door. “Probably should put a tack in this conversation. Your girl is back.”

My smile returns just as… her stupid and annoying roommate walks in.

“Wrong girl,” I mumble under my breath, and he chokes back a laugh.

“There you are,” the roommate says, batting her lashes as she tosses her red hair over her shoulder, smiling wickedly at me. “I was hoping you’d still be here.”

“She’s your type,” Gage says under his breath, keeping his voice low enough for only me to hear.

“Dick,” I retort, shifting my attention back to… what was her name?

My brain only stores important information.

“Where’s Roslyn?” I ask, casually reminding her that I’m not here for any other reason.

Her eye-roll is enough to announce her jealousy. “I don’t know. We split up.”

She takes a few saucy steps toward me, and Gage smothers a laugh with a cough while moving farther into the kitchen, staying as out of view as he can.

“You know Roslyn is all blushing and shy, right? The wildest she ever gets is ice cream on a school night.”

Which is something I steer very clear of. Usually. But something about the dark-haired beauty has me entranced, and I’m sure as hell going to explore what it is.

“I happen to love ice cream,” I quip, prompting Gage to laugh loudly this time.

I grin when she scowls, making it obvious she’s used to getting her way, and she moves in farther to view the dark user with all his piercings and exposed tats on his arms.

“Hi,” she says, her smile quickly reforming. “I’m Jenny. And

I’m very single.”

She thrusts her hand out toward him, but Gage’s humor dies into smugness. “Gage,” he says curtly, ignoring her proffered hand. “And I’m not single at all.”

Her frown forms instantly just as Roslyn walks in. That’s more like it.

“Oh,” she says, her eyes wide. “You’re still shirtless… I mean, you’re still here.”

Fucking sweet.

“Yep,” I say, grinning bigger when her cheeks heat with a flattering shade of pink.

In barely a whisper that immortals can hear, Gage says, “Way too sweet for you.”

Sweet is becoming my new favorite flavor.

I look over to see he has covered his mouth with his hand so that neither girl would see his lips moving.

“Did you hear something?” Roslyn asks, tilting her head.

Apparently he didn’t whisper that as quietly as I thought.