“Oh,” Gavin says, grinning. “I suppose I’ll only kill three of you. The fourth I’ll keep for myself. You see, I laid out specific rules. He can’t bring Drackus, Kane, or his sweet Alyssa. Nope. Without saying it, that left him only with the option of Ella. So now I’ll get back two things you stole from me.”

Ella. No. Please, God, don’t let him bring Ella.

“Ella is stronger than you think,” Karma says, eyeing him.

“I’m sure she is. And she’s strong enough to possibly use some magic in here, but she won’t be at her full strength inside this building. And considering your family has her locked up tight lately, this is my best option. You see, I’m a genius like that.”

My stomach roils, but I manage to hold back the vomit.

Gavin pushes off from the wall, and he looks up at the ceiling. A slow smile curls on his lips. “He’s here.” Then his smile falls, and a scowl forms.

Before I can try to discern why, Gage appears in the room, his hand on Chaz as though he had to materialize him down here.

“The duster, brother? Really?”

Gage. He’s here.

In his black leather jacket, dark jeans, dark blue T-shirt, eyebrow and lip piercings, he looks like a sexy gothic savior. But it’s just an illusion, because Gavin is way too strong, and he has just set an inescapable trap.

“Gage you have to go—”

My words end, and I’m forced to plead with only my eyes when my lips refuse to move. Stupid fucking warlock.

Gage barely casts me a glance, and I admit, that hurts like hell. But I remind myself that he came. For me. For us.

Karma tries speaking, only to find her voice missing. Apparently Gavin decided to shut her up before she attempted to warn Gage.

“I can’t believe you decided to bring the duster,” Gavin says on a laugh. “He couldn’t even materialize in here. You had to bring him yourself.”

I look over at Karma, and she’s smirking, looking over at Chaz like she knows a secret I don’t. When Gavin’s attention goes directly at Gage, Chaz offers her a conspiratorial wink, and she seems to relax.

She looks at me and mouths, “Just hoeing it?” Or “Jules goaded it?” I have no frigging clue because I can’t read lips.

“The duster volunteered to help return the dead bodies. I don’t think anyone else could stomach it, because everyone else is loyal to Kimber and the royal family.”

My heart sinks to my toes, and though Karma doesn’t seem as worried, I’m panicking.

Gavin’s lips twitch. “And you’re suddenly not?”

I have no idea what game Gage is playing, but I know he’s up to something because Chaz would die to save me. To save any of us. And even though the asshole won’t look at me, Gage just told me he loves me.

I might should have said it back then, because I might not get a chance now. Especially since my lips are quite literally sealed.

Gage smirks at his brother, walking a small circle before looking around as though he’s checking for anyone that might overhear.

“You should know better, Gavin. When have I ever been loyal to anyone?”

He turns back around, and for the first time, I see Gavin’s confidence waver just barely.

“So you came to tell me to kill them? What fool do you think I am?”

“I don’t think you’re a fool, but you keep calling them leverage. What you fail to see as that I’m the one with leverage. All you have are two girls I plan to bury.”

Gavin glares at him, and I look away. Even if he’s bluffing, that shit hurts to hear.

“You’re a liar, Gage. A big liar. You’re in love with that one.” Gavin points at me as my eyes water against my will.

Gage snorts derisively, and that stings as well. “Kimber? We just fucked, brother. You’re very mistaken. She’s as important to me as a mortal bird.”