those moans that are reserved only for him. Apparently we’re done talking.



Gage’s naked body glides across the floor on his way to the bathroom, and I scramble to my bags to pull out something I hope I can use. I’m really glad Dice brought all my stuff back from the hotel during my time missing.

It’s been a while since I had to consult my old gatekeeper books

I hear the shower turn on, and then Gage calls out, “You coming?”

“I’m actually going to get some wine,” I tell him, grabbing a robe and tucking the book in the hidden pocket just inside.

Gage grabs me by the waist before I can escape, and his lips come down on mine, kissing me hard before he grins. “Hurry back. I’m not done with you.”

When I shudder in anticipation, he snickers lightly, enjoying the way my body always immediately responds to him.

“Good. Because I’m sure as hell not done with you either. You broke up with me, and I’m still not convinced you want me back.”

I cock an eyebrow in challenge, and he tugs my bottom lip between his teeth. When he releases it, I see the excited smile on his face.

“I’ll gladly spend all night convincing you if you’re done resting.”

Grinning, I lean in and kiss his chest, sliding my hand down the bare skin of his abs, and not bothering to hide the fact I enjoy seeing the part of his body that is always happy to be around me.

“Go take your shower. I’ll be right back.”

He kisses me again, and slaps my ass on his way back to the bathroom, and I jog quietly down the stairs. Looking around, I head out onto the deck, turning on a dim outside light, and then I sit down to start rapidly flipping through the book.

The pages are old but not fragile due to spells that have been cast, so I don’t waste time trying to be delicate. Finally, I find the page I never thought would be useful. It always made more sense to send someone to a plane where they had to figure out where they were and how to get back.

But now…

“What are you doing out here?” Ella’s voice startles me, and I barely hold back a squeal.

Her arms are crossed over her chest and she’s studying me very intently.

“Saving Gage from a mistake that could destroy him.”

I go back to reading the page, and she sits down beside me. She reads over my shoulder, and her sharp intake of air proves she has just figured out my plan.

“You really don’t want him to kill Gavin? Have you lost your mind? Kimber, he tortured you.”

Rolling my eyes, I turn to face her. “If you expect me to be traumatized, then you really underestimate me. I’ve endured worse. When Hilly trained me to be a gatekeeper so young, it was far more painful than anything Gavin did to me over five days. That was a walk in the damn park by comparison. But it could have been worse. He’s strong, Ella. He could have broken me—both of us. Gavin held back, and I think it was hard for him to do because he’s under someone’s spell or a blood oath or something. He seemed to strain each time he took a shot at us, and he wasn’t straining to hurt us. He was straining against whatever force was propelling his actions because it was impossible to fully resist.”

“You can’t know that. If this is because you’re worried about Gage losing it, then don’t. We have every base covered. Three creature gods, Kimber. We have three of the most powerful beings within our world. We can kill one warlock, and Gage won’t have to lose himself in the process.”

Looking over at her, I say, “This isn’t about Gage losing it. That really doesn’t scare me. He wouldn’t hurt me, but he struggles to see that. Anyway, this isn’t about that. It’s about saving him from making a mistake.”

She blows out a harsh breath as I go back to reading each word carefully. The smallest detail could make or break this plan.

“Why risk it?” she finally asks. “He could kill you for even trying this if you fail.”

I give her an are-you-kidding-me look. “When do I fail? I’m obsessively good at gatekeeping, remember? It was my very first fixation.”

Her dread doesn’t waver. “You’re going on a hunch that Gavin is being ruled by someone else. He’s probably the most powerful warlock I’ve ever seen, yet you think someone stronger is controlling him. Why the hell is it so important to save a man who would love nothing more than to kill the man you love and you? Who would love to kill all of us?”

My eyes meet hers to display my unbreakable resolve.