I’m at least twenty miles away from that motherfucking compound, but he’ll be chasing, and now I’ve exerted too much magic to face him without losing my shit immediately.

A car screeches to a halt in front of me, the black tinted windows lower, and Zee waves me over.

“Get the fuck in, jackass.”

I vaporize and appear in the seat, and he gasses the car to squeal away, heading back toward my house.

“Is she safe?” I ask, panting slightly from all the strain.

“Yeah, but you won’t be. Everyone is fucking pissed at you. Why the hell did you plan a rescue mission without telling us?”

I smirk while leaning back, feeling the first calm settle into me since Kimber went missing.

“Because I had to. It was the only way we could do what had to be done and get her out safely. Besides, we included you in on the plan.”

He scowls at me. “As an afterthought. Chaz called and said you were going to need a ride, and told me to drive like a son of a bitch to meet you around this area. I’ve been driving up and down this stretch of road for over forty minutes.”

Zee drives faster around every bend in the road, and finally we reach the underground garage. I leave him behind when I dematerialize out of the car and rematerialize in the house.

Thad is at the bottom of the stairs, and he scowls over at me. They can be pissed all they want to. All that matters is the fact my girl is safe.

“Where is she?”

“They’re both in your room.”

I once again split the planes and appear in my room, looking down at the soft blonde hair that has been cleaned by magic. It’s no longer bloody and dirty like it was in the cell. She’s under the covers, sleeping peacefully, and Karma is beside her, resting just as safely.

“They woke up,” Chaz says, limping as though he’s hurt. That had to have taken a lot of power out of him, and that’s not something that can be magically healed. It’s going to take a while.

“For how long?”

Sadie was supposed to put them to sleep.

Dray walks out of the bathroom, drying his hands, and he looks exhausted. It probably took him a lot of power to heal them.

“Not long,” Kane says, holding Kimber’s hand in his.

Alyssa wipes her eyes before taking a seat on the edge of the bed beside Kimber. Dice is lying down beside Karma, affectionately rubbing her cheek.

Drackus will hopefully come down from his rampage now, and he can come back to see his daughter safe and sound.

“They both kept refusing to be healed first,” Dray says. “They wanted the other to be healed. We had to heal them at the same fucking time just to get to work.”

Dice smiles proudly, his eyes not moving from Karma. “That’s how they survived. Neither would tell him where the weapons were,” he says in a voice that doesn’t match his usual snarky wit. “He promised the one who told would live. But the other would die. Tough, stubborn girls.”

Thank God for that.

“Where is she?!” Ella demands, barging into the room. Apparently she broke free of the lockdown Kane and Alyssa put her under.


whole body relaxes the second she sees Kimber resting peacefully in the bed, and she comes over to throw her arms around my neck.

I stagger backwards from the harsh and unexpected contact, and I pat her back uncomfortably. Never been much of hugger for people I don’t know too well.

“That’s for saving my sister,” she says into the crook of my neck.

I smile lightly, but just as quickly, I’m gasping for air and dropping to the ground after taking a blow to the stomach by her knee. Yep. She has a lot in common with Kimber.