d I care about your weapons because?”

His sinister grin doesn’t bode well for me. “Because I can’t take on the royal family without them. Obviously I’m powerful, but you have three creature gods on your team. Along with my brother. Then of course the second gatekeeper. And… Well, the incubus is pointless.”

His eyes move to Karma who rolls her eyes. Then he shifts his gaze back to me.

“Then of course, the queen has her massive army. Armed with my weapons, going forward with my plans will be a little impossible.”

I stare at him, keeping the defiance in my eyes.

“Sounds like you have a problem. But it’s not my problem.”

Karma laughs while leaning back, and Gavin’s eyes narrow just before she starts spitting out blood, coughing and hacking as her body convulses. Then I feel the constriction inside me, forcing me to curl in pain as I scream out.

“Now it’s your problem. I’ll just keep this up until one of you caves. The one who tells me will be the one to survive. Choose wisely. I can do this all day and all night.”

Karma coughs out her blood as the wave of crushing pain ceases, and she glares at him. “Go fuck yourself,” she spits out.

I wipe my mouth on my shoulder the best I can, and I grin up at him with my blood-stained smile. “You think that’s bad? You should try opening the gates of purgatory.”

Karma laughs, and then the pain strikes again. I don’t know if Karma will fold, but I won’t. I’ll hold out for however long it takes to make Gavin break and lose it. So far, he’s shown nothing but restraint, despite the ungodly pain he’s still inflicting.

The question is… Why is he holding back?

“You should have sex with an incubus,” Karma taunts as the second wave subsides, laughing lightly as she leans back. “It’s rougher than that.”

We both laugh, goading the maniac, and he tilts his head to study us. “Well, then. How about I try a little harder?”

Chapter 24


“Where the fuck can they be?!” I roar, destroying the living room more thoroughly than it already was as furniture crashes through the windows.

Dice is on the phone, calling everyone in the world that he knows, and he’s pacing a hole in the yard. He’s the only one doing all he can to find them besides me. Drackus has fucking lost it, and Calypso has been forced to abandon the search to keep him from killing anyone that he’ll regret killing.

Alyssa and Kane are pounding the streets, demanding answers, and Ella is destroying the other side of my house each time we meet a dead-end.

Chaz sits quietly in the corner, his jaw working hard as he cracks his fingers. Kya has been impossible to find, along with these fucking twin creature gods she spoke of. Nothing. For five motherfucking days, there’s been nothing found.

“There’s something we’re missing,” Chaz says, standing up and snapping his neck. “Why would he take them? They can’t do anything for him.”

We’ve asked these questions, and we still don’t have any answers. Five days. That’s too long. There’s no telling what he has done to them. If they’re even still al—

“Your brother is dead,” Dice growls when he walks in, smashing his cellphone into a thousand pieces with just his hand.

“You’ll need to get in line behind me to have a go at him,” I say while doing all I can to stay in control.

He curses and kicks my table, shattering it before he grips his hair.

My phone rings, and I swipe the screen without even checking the number, moving out onto my balcony for privacy.

“What?” I snap.

“Sounds like you’re a little testy. Have anything to do with a missing girlfriend and a demon hybrid?”

My whole body stills, and I start worrying I’m hallucinating. To keep Dice from overhearing and losing it before Gavin can demand his ransom, I vaporize away from the house and reappear deep in the woods.

“Where the fuck are they?”